Quiet Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Lord Huron - Ancient Names Part I


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 6:01 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

I gotta get away from her.

What the fortune teller said is

I'm alive, for now, but good as dead.

She claimed she'd seen it all while she was gazin' in her crystal ball!

If I can't evade my fate, then I won't sit around and wait.

"A fallen star will be thy fate and call you by your Ancient Name."


A/N: By golly, there are more meme references in here than I intended, so enjoy :D

The wind rushed past his ears as the sound of thundering hooves almost deafened him, though he was only focused on what lay ahead of him, keeping what had happened back in the tea shop out of mind for now.

That was before the thoughts surged back, and to keep himself from losing grip on the reins, he let one memory rise from the depths of his mind.

Amias wished he could forget it, the look in her eyes when she said those dreadful words, which made him shudder as he thought of them, while the purple cloaked figure of Casimir looked on, a dark look in his pale-grey eyes.

The silence afterwards made him feel that if he breathed even a tiny bit, the world would fall into chaos, and he would be lost to it.

Never would he be telling this to anyone, but to himself, whispering secrets only he knew to the one reflected in the cracked mirror.

He then pushed them down, and looked ahead, eyes narrowing as he picked out a figure in orange, his fluffy ears then began to move, making sure there was no one else except for him and that person, which he knew had a name, but was too unsure of himself to say it, embarrassment being too common of an outcome if he did.

''(Y/n)?!'' He called out, almost immediately cringing at his lack of self-control. And then, his horse vaulted over a bush, making (Y/n) back away quickly, and he came to a stop.

''Hello there.'' Amias greeted, looking down at her atop his horse, whose hooves pawed the ground nervously. ''What a surprise, is that who I think it is?''

''Amias?'' (Y/n) questioned, as her brother hopped off, his riding boots hitting the ground with a thump. His mohawked hair was messy from going at fast speeds, but he wore a grin as he looked at his sister.

''Yeah, that's me- and I'm still the shorter one,'' Amias said with a huff, noticing the height difference between them, he crossed his arms, the grin quickly melting into a slightly annoyed expression. ''It's great to see you, sis.''

''You will always be the shorter one. And it's good to see you too.'' (Y/n) replied with a chuckle, lightly punching his arm, and Amias rubbed the area where she lightly punched his arm. Remo then appeared on her shoulders, and her brother's eyes widened momentarily before a bright smile lit up his face.

''Remo! I haven't seen you in ages, and- and, you're a live snake!'' Her brother exclaimed, making the silver noodle glance at (Y/n) confused.

''You two sorta talk like you know each other well, but I haven't seen much interaction between you both, or is it just me?'' Remo questioned, looking at the siblings.

''Let's say there's a little magic that's going on,'' Amias replied, holding up his hand and moving his fingers as glowing golden-yellow coloured transparent threads of silk-like magic rose from his palm, drifting over to Remo and making the little snake giggle as if he was being tickled.

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