Rude Awakening

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Imagine Dragons - It's Time


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:52 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

So this is what you meant

When you said that you were spent

And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit, right to the top


Wu banged a cymbal as he came into the bedroom while the ninja slept peacefully.

''Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!'' He shouted, waking them up.

The Ninja groaned as they tried to shut out the noise, though it proved useless.

''In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity,'' Wu told them.

Kai got up. ''Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?'' He yawned.

Cole stretched his back. ''You call that a rest? I think my back had more lumps than the mattress.''

''We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head...'' Jay said, turning the tap on not noticing instead of water, some dirt came out of the tap. He spat the dirt in his mouth into the sink.

(Y/n) looked like a zombie, with her (h/c) hair messed up and below her eyes sat dark bags.

''What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of-'' Zane asked Wu, but fell through the floorboards, coughing dust.

''I think today's lesson would be chores,'' Wu replied.

''Chores?!'' The boys exclaimed in disbelief.

(Y/n) only sighed.

''Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean.'' Cole told Wu.

''In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a Ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it.'' Wu said, walking out the door.

He banged the cymbal again before disappearing.

Cole helped Zane out of the broken floorboards.

Kai grumbled. ''This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up.'' He complained.

''Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?'' Jay said, winking.

''Ninja, go!'' Cole shouted. He cleaned up the room using spinjitzu. He took out all the trash and put it outside of the Bounty.

Zane threw his shurikens of ice toward the walls of Destiny's Bounty to freeze it. Kai used the Sword of Fire on the ice to melt it. ''Ninja, go!'' Both of them cried out. They used spinjitzu to clean the rest of the room.

Cole and Kai were fixing the machines inside the Destiny's Bounty. Jay uncovered a huge computer system and he tries to use the Nunchucks of Lightning to fix it. All the Ninja try to fix the canvas.

''Ninja, go!'' Jay cried out, doing spinjitzu to rid the Destiny's Bounty's deck of dust.

(Y/n) watched from a chair, sipping lemonade.

When Sensei Wu and Nya came back, they found the Bounty clean. The ninja sat in front of the tv, playing games.

''What took you so long?'' Kai asked, turning his head to face the two.

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