Secret Alliances

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Alan Walker - Alone (Restrung)


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:05 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

Lost in your mind

I wanna know

Am I losing my mind?

Never let me go


The Eliminated Elemental Masters worked in the factory, with Cole whistling as he worked.

''Why you whistling? Yesterday Cole was sad. Not today. What changed?'' Karloff asked the Master of Earth.

''Things are looking up, Karlof. We came here to find a friend, and I found him. All I gotta do now is get Zane and bust him out.'' Cole answered, a confident smile on his face.

''Not so easy. Chen's made it nearly impossible to escape this place.'' The Master of Metal told him.

''I'm still working out the details, but Zane's a Nindroid, a walking computer. If I can get to him, he'll solve anything Chen throws at us in no time.'' The Earth Ninja replied.

The Master of Metal groaned. ''Karlof wished he had friend like that.''

''But first order of business, I gotta let the others know I'm busting him out,'' Cole said, putting a piece of paper in the fortune cookie.

''You put message in cookie?'' Karloff asked.

''I know, right? That's why it's called a fortune cookie.'' The Earth Ninja replied.

''Well, if you get out, don't forget about Karlof.'' The Master of Metal said.

''Yeah, sure. Of course.'' Cole replied, turning to an Anacondrai Cultist. ''Special order for the banquet's ready.'' The cultist took the tray of fortune cookies from him and walked away.

''I hope you have the good fortune for it to end up in the right hands,'' Karloff said.

''You and me both, Karlof. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get out of here.'' The Master of Earth told him.

''Aah.'' The Anacondrai Cultist guarding the way out tried to take a cookie, but the fortune cookie deliverer slapped his hand, stopping him.

Seeing the one that tried to take the fortune cookie had the keys, Cole smiled.


The remaining Elemental Masters sat at a semi-circle shaped table, being served food by the Kabuki.

Remo was digging into a pile of ham sandwiches, ignoring the others looks from across the table.

''Try the horned wasp eggs. Delicious!'' Chen told Lloyd, who looked at a bowl of the stuff.

''Uh, I think I'll pass,'' Lloyd replied.

The kabuki then tried to give the same food to (Y/n), who gently pushed it away. ''Please get that out of my face.''

''Oh, lighten up, Orange Ninja and Green Ninja. This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the nine of you making it to the second round.'' Chen replied, and his kabuki laughed and clapped their hands.

''And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right?'' The Noodle Man asked, and yet again, his kabuki laughed and clapped. ''Laugh harder! Hahahaha!'' Chen commanded, and his kabuki did so.

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