Sunglow Brilliance

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Amalee - aLIEz


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 4:31 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

A cowardly façade weaves into my voice

As I call for war, blinded by this far-fetched noble cause

Although I had a choice, I believed the lies

But it's all a dream, ending when I open up my eyes


Remo appeared and looked up at the Stone Warriors above him. Besides the little snake was (Y/n), unconscious.

A few Warriors pointed at the silver snake, who went invisible, sneaking towards Kozu who was about to pick the Orange Ninja up.

He appeared in front of Kozu's face and slapped him in the face. However, the Stone Warrior General didn't flinch and instead grabbed the snake, with the other Stone Warriors laughing at the helpless snake thrashing in his grip.

Kozu tossed the snake over the edge, and as the little snake fell, he caught a glimpse of (Y/n), before he hit the water and everything went black.


A beam of light came from the Celestial Clock, striking the Stone Army camp.

''Behold, my final gift to you, Garmatron!'' The floating bacteria said to Garmadon, revealing a massive machine with a cannon.

''It''s beautiful.'' The Lord of Darkness replied, gazing at the massive weapon.

''We've retrieved your helmet, and a prisoner, my Dark Lord,'' Kozu said, bringing forth (Y/n), who was held back by two Stone Warriors.

''Lloyd will defeat you.'' (Y/n) spoke, gritting her teeth.

Garmadon laughed, not taking the girl seriously. ''Orange doesn't seem to be your colour.'' He lifted her chin and forced to her bite an apple. ''I think it's time we try a different colour. Hand me the Dark Matter. I believe we've found our first test subject.''

A Stone Warrior came, holding a tray of the evil substance. They made her turn around, and one of the Stone Warriors used their hand to push her head into the box of Dark Matter.

(Y/n) thrashed around, trying to fight their grip. She stepped on one of the Warrior's feet but nothing happened.

When she touched the Dark Matter, it was cold, chilling her to the core, washing away all of her bright colour, everything that she could remember. But it was strengthening her, the price paid for it was everything she'd ever known, leaving an empty shell of what she used to be.

There was still light inside, something that refused to give in. That was where Morro resided, thinking he could nothing to stop the spread of corruption.

''See you on the other side,'' The Master of Wind spoke. And that was the last of what (Y/n) remembered before her mind slipped into the darkness.


After invading the Stone Army's camp and finding it empty, the Falcon screeched.

''My Falcon friend wants to show us something,'' Zane said, and the flying mechanical bird showed them the Garmatron's tracks.

''Whoa. That's one big weapon.'' Lloyd commented, seeing toppled trees.

''It appears to be heading toward the coast.'' The nindroid replied.

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