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Madeline's POV:

I woke up and immediatly stretched. I squinted with my eyes closed because of the bright sunlight. I reached over and felt something soft, I patted the material then reach over to feel a body. A smile appeared on my face because that's the body I wanted. I felt tingles all over my body then peeked my eyes open and seen the sky, the beautiful blue sky with a rainbow close to the sun. I looked to see we were in the middle of a grassy field filled with flowers and trees that surrounded us. I looked at my naked mate as he was sleeping.

Last night we had fun. We found a pond where we rinced off before staring at the stars. He taught me how to connect them.

I caressed his chest and drew shapes. A smile appeared on his face making me scoot closer, his arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer. He stared at me with his beautiful eyes that glowed in the sunlight.

This is my mate, my handsome, sexy mate.

"Good morning, my light." I whispered and he kissed my head.


"Ew." I cringed at his breath and he shoved me and rolled his eyes.
I had to say it before he could say it to me, it is horrendious every morning, I hate it, but I have to tolerate it.
He also has to tolerate mines, so we have made challenges to beat each other in saying it first...well I started it, he just joined in.

"Not now, stanky." He said and I gasped. He laughed and pecked my lips before standing up, I followed him through the woods and we were both nude. We stepped over things and made sure there were no snakes. Sin was far ahead of me, so I let out my wings and flew up. I stretched them and spun while flying over the trees. I seen Sin looking at me and he smirked, I flew down and he smiled.

"Wow...I am loving this view." He said and I rolled my eyes. He held his arms for me and I pulled my wings in and fell, he caught me like I knew he would, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He carried me to the a cave and I got down.


"I have seen everyone naked before, why is it a problem for me?" I asked and walked in. Everyone was asleep and I went to the back where guards stood watch. They averted their eyes and I went into the room.

"Yes, ma'am." Mona smirked and I rolled my eyes. Leon, Bea, and the twins were up, everyone else was sleeping.
"Here." Leon put a shirt around me and I buttoned it up. It smelled like Sin, so it was definitely his. Sin put on shorts.

I grabbed Malik when he cried and gave him milk then Adriel. I sat between Sin's legs as he was writing something. He moved his page and I laid on his chest while our babies fed from me.

"Madeline." Sin said and my eyes widened at my name falling from his lips. I looked back and he smiled at me.
"Yes?" I whispered. He studied me then kissed my face. He didn't say anything after that which was weird. It was like he was experimenting how my name sounded on his tongue.

I burped the twins then laid them on the blanket.

"Oh, I can watch them if you'd like to stretch your feet." Penelope was holding Caden while Esme made out with Leander in the corner. I shook my head at that.

"We are fi-

"That'll be lovely, Penny, thank you." I said over my husband as I stood. He looked confused while I flashed him when no one was paying attention. He cleared his throat making me laugh. He followed me out.

"King, there is news." A guard stopped Sin and I turned with a frown. Sin looked at me and I knew I would have to wait for fun. I groaned and walked out as I buttoned my shirt a little more.
I stretched with a yawn and started walking.

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