chapter 1

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A/N hello readers I read a story from SonOfTheHunt and well I loved the plot, so I thought why not try to write a Perthena as well. I always like the ship Perthena. I don't own any characters from the series only my own. I'm not saying it again as I am very lazy to do so. also this book will be under edit since I have made way too many mistakes. enjoy

___________(PERTHENA)_chapter 1_____________

Zeus's POV

I struck the ground with my lightning bolt, summoning the three maiden goddess for a meeting.

Once they all flashed in, I got straight to the point about this meeting.

"I have called you three here because something unknown happened to the River Styx. Lady Styx herself has said any oaths are allowed to be broken, so I summoned you here to ask all of you if you want to break your oaths as maidens or stay a maiden. You must choose now." I told them waited for their answers.

"I will stay a maiden goddess" Artemis said with confidence leaking through her voice.

"So will as well brother." My sister, Hestia, answered.

"Father, I will break my oath." my daughter Athena responded.

"Why would you, Athena?" Asked Artemis with confusion.

"Because I want someone to love me and hold me tight. I'm too lonely being a maiden goddess" She answered. Artemis and Hestia nodded their heads in understanding.

"Very well sister we understand your choice." Said Artemis.

"I understand as well, my daughter. Once I know you found someone true and loyal to you, you will be married to this man, if he accepts your request." I told her as I looked at the other two. She nodded and flashed out of the throne room along with Artemis and Hestia. I sighed. I hope she makes the right choice.

Athena's POV

I watched the man I wanted and loved.

Percy Jackson.

He was with my daughter, Annabeth. They were together on the beach, cuddling each other. I feel a pang of jealousy and sadness go through me, seeing someone else in his arms. I wish it was me.

I watched as Annabeth stood up, gave Percy a kiss goodbye on the cheek and walked into my cabin. Percy stood up and went to the Poseidon cabin slowly.

I turned invisible and walked in. I saw him head to the restroom, so I looked around his cabin. When he came back out, he went to bed and fell asleep instantly. I made sure he was actually asleep before I walked over to his bed, kissed his cheek and flashed back to my palace in Olympus.

I sighed as I realized that I might not be able to marry Perseus because he had my daughter to be by his side.

Percy's POV


I was in a garden and a girl was in my arms I hugged her close as if she was very important to me. I looked at her and noticed that this was not Annabeth, in fact I couldn't see her face. She said something but I couldn't understand what she was saying as it all. I saw everything fade slowly as I looked around fear cursing through me.

End of dream

I jolted awake as I heard someone screaming for help outside the camp borders. I quickly got out of bed and ran outside, to the border. There, I saw a boy around my age, with black hair and blue eyes. He was running from two hellhounds. I uncapped Riptide and slashed the hellhounds' heads off as they chased him, not noticing me. I made sure they turned to dust and turned around to face the boy. This whole time, the boy hid behind a tree, hoping not to be found. I walked over to him and asked if he was okay, but instead of answering, he pushed me down and took Riptide from my hands, just when the whole camp came up the hill to the border, in full armor.

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