chapter 25

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(seven days later) Percy's pov

Athena and i laid in bed naked. last night we have given our virginity to each other. i looked at her sleeping figure as i smiled lightly. i felt Athena begin to stir and her eyes fluttered open. " good morning my love" i whispered into her ear softly. " morning Percy" she said with joy in her voice. she sat up holding the sheet cover to her chest."love we should get ready for the day." i said to her as she nodded her head.

(A/N so im skipping the part where they take showers and stuff.)

i sat on a couch inside Athena and my palace. i was reading a book i found in our over large library. yes. i know Percy Jackson reading? well let me tell you i changed a lot. I continued to read my book when i heard Athena scream from up a floor level. ' why would she be screaming?' i asked my self only for pagos to answer. 'i believe you should stop wondering and go see for yourself' i nodded my head running to were she was at full speed. i tried to open the bathroom door but it was locked. "Athena what wrong?" i yelled into the door afraid that something bad happened to her. i felt another aura in the palace. i panicked and kicked the door down. i saw Athena looking at her stomach in complete shock. i ran towards her and hugged her from behind.

" are you okay?" i asked her afraid of her answer. she turned around still in my arms. " we need to talk" i nodded my head and unwrapped my arms from around her. she toke my hand and lead me to were i was before she screamed. she sat down and patted the sett beside her. i sat down and looked into her eyes. " Percy.." she hesitated for a minute and looked at me straight in the eyes. "im pregnant" she said with fear yet happiness in her voice. i was shocked to say the lest. "w-what" i asked stupidly. is your head full of seaweed. were going to be parents" she said getting rid of her fear and joy replacing it. i stood up hugged her a big smiled slipping on to my face. " im going to be a father!!" i yelled happily as i spun her around. she giggled and laughed showing her beautiful smile.

"we have to tell the council" she said as the took my hand and flashed us into the throne room. she noticed her father was their. "father!" she yelled gaining his attention. Zeus saw his daughter and smiled lightly. " summon the council!" she told him as she walked to were her throne was. i bowed slightly to Zeus and summoned my throne. i sat down beside Athena who looked nervous. i put my hand on her shoulder as Zeus hit the center of the throne room with a bolt of lighting. it no less the 3 seconds for all the Olympians to appear. they all looked at Zeus. i looked at Athena who stood up. " my daughter Athena asked me to summon you all here." Zeus said and looked at Athena. " well... you see.... im pregnant" she said the last part quickly as ever god and goddess froze with shock. " we haven't had a god or goddess caring the child of a primordial." Hera said as she looked at us with shock. i watched at the faces of all the gods and goddess. i looked at Hestia my adopted mother who smiled at me warmly. i smiled back at her as she looked proud. i turned to look at Athena who poked her fathers cheek. "father?" she asked. i chuckled and summoned water and splashed it on all their faces aside Athena, Hestia, and Hera. All the gods glared at me but Poseidon just relaxed and smile at me.

"what?" i asked innocently as i sat down on my throne. The gods shook their heads and looked at Athena and i. "son. what about the war?" Hestia asked me as i turned to look at the peaceful goddess. "Mother. we have someone who i a spy in the army of orders ex wife. we also have order on our side along with chaos." i said. just when i said the door of the throne room burst opened and Liliana came running in with Luis and Brandon behind her. she bowed slightly and looked at us with fear on her face. " im sorry to disturbed the meeting but this is very important. she took out a small box from her jacket and threw it at the floor. a green hologram appeared. we saw a throne room with one very large throne in it. the hologram moved around and it landed in an office. i saw a woman sitting their with a figure covered in complete black. "who is he?" Zeus asked as we watched the hologram.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now