chapter 19

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Percy's POV

I looked at the cafeteria were all my solders were sitting patiently talking to each other. I sighed and walked towards the front were they all could see me. chaos sat in his mini throne . some eyes followed me as I entered with my friends behind me. we were all wearing cloaks and our hood were down, so the army could see our faces. my mom was sad, she made some great friends here in the palace with some of the woman who worked here. Paul and the rest did as well but with other people who were in the army . I walked on as my friends followed. we all made a V formation with me in the front. I spoke my voice booming like I learned to do. everyone became silent at the sound of my voice. they all looked at me waiting to hear what I was going to say.

"my army, my four years of training have ended. I must return to earth to fight order and his army. I will In fact return to the palace, after this war is over, my duties a prince of the universe do not hold back.  I promise" I looked straight at the crowd in front of who looked both sad and happy. many of the girls were cry begging for me to stay. I ignored all of their cry's knowing my wife was at home waiting. I opened a portal for us to go through.

My mom and Paul stepped in first, with Luke, Selen , zoe, Charles ,Bianca and castor. I looked back at chaos and nodded as he walked through the portal. as they reached the other side the looked around and noticed they were on Olympus no minor gods around. they all looked at me waiting for instructions." were going to the throne room. I want all hoods up. we will march in their with out any warning and scare them." every one grinned at my plan of an entrance. they all got into formation of a V again me on the front with Luke to my right and zoe to my left. we made our way to the door of the throne room where we heard Zeus and the other gods arguing about the war.

I kicked the door down as a set of squeals went off. I looked around and saw my beloved wife with a annoyed look on her face. all the other good looked at Hermes and Apollo weird as they were the ones to squeal. I smirked under my hood as my group was in to the center of the room. we stood still. Zeus stood up and grabbed his masters bolt ready to strike any enemy down. "who are you? " he asked with a bit of fear in his voice. he stood in front of his wife in case their were in danger. "you forgot about me?" I  asked with fake hurt in my voice. he looked at Athena who was hiding a smile.

 " do you remember me love?" I asked Athena who nodded as she got of her throne and walked towards me some gods gasped as she kissed him in the cheek. " Athena who is this man" Athena and I looked at Hera who spoke with humor in her voice.  Athena smiled at her step mother. "why its my husband of curse. if you have forgotten who he is then shame on you

Hera smiled even more and walked towards the couple. " Percy, why don't you show us your face?" she asked as she hugged me. relation crossed the other gods faces as the all gasped. " oh my how could we forget our hero!" Aphrodite asked out loud to herself. Apollo stood up from his throne along with Hermes as they ran towards me at full speed. I looked at them and moved out the way before they could crush me into a hug. I looked at were my  father throne was. he sat their with a big smile on his face. "sup dad, how is the ocean?" I asked with a smile as I walked towards him ready to give him a big hug of his life. " well my son. glad to have you back with us on earth." I chuckled." its good to be back." I hugged him tightly and turned to face cloaked friends.

" guys you can introduce your selves if you want." I told my family/friends. they all stepped forward and lined up, the first one to take of their hood was  my mom. I am sally Jackson, mother of Percy Jackson." many gods gasped and nodded. I  looked at were my father was and saw he had joy in his eyes to see my mother was alive and ok. next was Paul who stood next to my mother. " Im Paul (I forgot his last name) husband of sally Jackson and adopted father of Percy Jackson." many god nodded their heads letting Paul know they were listening.  I looked at the next two cloaked people who were zoe and Bianca. i saw them take a deep breath and removed their hoods. Artemis gasped as she looked at her old hunters. "I'm zoe nightshade, an ex-hunters of lady Artemis " zoe looked at Bianca who stood  still and nodded her head " I am Bianca D'angelo"  . Artemis stood up and hugged her ex-hunters who she has missed a lot. I watched as my friends hugged their old mistress. Athena hugged me by the waist as I watched them speak quickly. I looked at the next person who was ready to reveled themselves to the gods. selen went next. She pulled her hood off allowing everyone to see her face, she stepped forward. she didn't even have time to speak when Aphrodite crushed her into a hug. Aphrodite had tears in her eyes as she hugged her daughter who was also sobbing into her shoulder. we all watched happily and waited for the next person to r themselves. Charles when next he pulled his hood off. once he did  Hephaestus hugged him tightly. castor stood next to Luke both looked at each other and nodded at the same time. all the gods looked at them waiting to know. who they were. they both pulled their hood off and the gods stared at them. Hermes walked towards his son who looked down at the floor.  every one watched as Hermes  hugged his son softly like he was afraid this was all a unreal and it would shatter any second.  castor watched as his father hugged him as well. I looked around and  saw almost every god crying of joy. I watched happily as my friends and family were in one room as a real family would. I hugged Athena and put my chin on her head. enjoying the  moment, knowing my lucky self, this won't last very long.

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