chapter 6

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-Percy POV-

I woke up with Athena sleeping my chest, I looked to my right to see the time on the alarm clock that read 9:30 am. I slowly stood up not to wake her. I walked to the restroom, after getting ready to go buy my tuxedo with the guys today. I walked out of the restroom and sighed with relief when I saw that Athena didn't wake up.

I made breakfast for Athena and me. I ate mine. I took paper and wrote her a short note.

Athena i had to get up and go buy my tuxedo for the wedding, I made you breakfast. Love you :)

I left the note next to her breakfast on the counter besides her as she slept peacefully, and walked to Apollo's palace. I was about to knock, but apollo opened the door.

"Come on Percy let's go, the others are waiting in the throne room." he said. I rolled my eyes and followed him to the throne room.

While we walked many minor gods waved a hello or said good morning. I just waved back at them.

We opened the doors to the throne room, I looked around to make sure they were all here.


Poseidon ✅

Zeus ✅





All of were wearing something casual So we are going to blend in with the human.

"Let's go we have a long day ahead of us." I said as i walked to the elevator. the elevator went down quickly. once we were on the right floor the doors of the elevator opened

The guys walked out the elevator, i lead them to where i left my blue SUV. once we got into the SUV we all got in. I quickly sat in the driver's seat and took out the keys.

"Guy make sure to up on you seatbelts." i told them looking through the rear view mirror.

"I really don't want the cops stopping us to the give us a darn ticket." I told them with a serious face but i was joking. they nodded and buckled in. i chuckled and buckled in as well.

i quickly drove us to the tuxedo store or whatever they're called that Aphrodite told us to go. once we reached our destination i found a parking spot.

We all got out of the car, looked at the SUV and locked it with the keys and followed the guys inside. There's a girl here to help. She had blond hair, and blue eyes i was sure she was using blue contacts. She was dressed with a sluty dress that showed too much cleavage, and too much chest.

I had to walked to her since the others stayed back. Since Aphrodite already had our suits ready for us. All we have to do is see if they fit.

"How can i help you handsome." She asked seductively. i looked at her and smelt the air.

I had an urge to gag at all the perfume she was wearing, but i holded it in."We're here to pick up our suits under the name perseus Jackson" i said bluntly.

"Sure thing handsome, follow me." She said trying to purr.

We followed her to the changing rooms.

"Stay here." She said.

she went inside another room and a few minutes later came back with a box.

"In this box are all the tuxedos you ordered" she said putting her hands on my chest. I took her hands of my chest. And opened the boxes. There were all of our tuxedos my mom order for us.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now