chapter 27

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Percy's pov

I glared at the cloaked figure. seeing under her hood was no better then the last time i saw her die. how is she even alive? i remember that Diana and Liliana give her a painful death. this girl needs to learn to stay dead.

"what do you want Annabeth" i spat out her name like if it were venom. she smiled and took out a sword. i looked at her and took out my swords. 'no percy its a trap' pagos said to me in my mind. i mentally nodded and looked at Annabeth who was smirking. " weren't you dead?" i asked her as i glared at her back. her smirk grew bigger. "well after sweet little lily killed me i was sent to the void. i took over a lot of powerful monsters. i killed them and bam im as powerful as chaos himself.  i growled and circled around her. " why?" i asked her as i got closer to her. "because i want you!" she yelled loudly. i narrowed my eyes at her. "you had a chance chase, but you cheated on me." i said with my voice void form emotions as. i put my sword under her chin and looked into her eyes. I saw tears read to come out from her eyes.  i closed my eyes and focused the energy that was in her body. draining it slowly.

Annabeth 's POV  

i closed my eyes tight as Percy's sword was under my chin. i knew that deep down i was making a mistake, i just never listen to my self.  i slowly began to feel tired. i opened my eyes an looked at Percy.  he was handsome as ever, but i know i have no chance with him. it was a good try though. i know nobody wants me back at camp-blood.  i was on crystals side. i killed many campers, i started this war . it was all my fault . i should just disappear into nothing.  im worth nothing. i know that. it was all my fault. i wish i could turn back in time and start over again. i looked at Percy who's sword was glowing and ugly gray color. i got on my knees feeling weak. "p-ercy" i said weakly as my energy was drained away. i was here to kill him. but not anymore. i am not strong enough to stand bedside's him in power. i gasped and looked up at. " make me fade complete. i no longer want to exists" i said as i bowed my head. " i lost along time ago." i said. i felt my body going numb.  i could no longer feel my legs or arms. i saw my body turning to stone. i gasped as i watched. i looked at Percy one last time with a smile. im done for. im fading for good. i soon felt my heart stopped beating, and i stop breathing air.  Then everything went black.

Percy's POV

I looked at the stone body of Annabeth. I weakened her to make her feel guilt that way the made herself into stone. I sighed and turned around. Behind me were the campers, gods, goddesses and chaos assassins/solders. I raised my sword up high and smiled. "THE WAR IS OVER!!" I yelled and soon enough everyone broke into cheers. I saw a flash of light and Athena appeared beside me. Huge smile covered her face as ran to where I stood. "Finally Athena, we won the biggest war yet!" I said happily. As I kissed her cheek. Athena froze in my arms as she looked at Annabeth stone body. "yeah stone with guilt." She no longer exists anywhere." I said to her. "who did it happen?" she asked. I sighed. "one of the biggest powers I have. I make the person feel so much guilt that they turn to stone on their own. I hate to use it but Annabeth wasn't going to give up." I said as I looked at to stone. Athena's arms wrapped around my left arm. "she was one of my favorite children smart, and clever, but she was driven mad when she lost you to me." Athena has sadness in her voice as she spoke. I laid my hand on her belly. Kissed her neck softly. "Our child will be loyal like his father" I said as I kissed her cheek. She smiled and nodded.

"I hope so" she said smiling, I smiled and rubbed her belly. "How long will you be pregnant for?" I asked her. She watched as the camper cleaned up where the battle was. " A human last nine months but for a goddess its four months." She said with joy in her voice. I smiled and hugged her from behind. At least everything is back to normal. I watched the camper take the bodies of the dead campers to the other side of where the battle happened. That's where they were going to be buried. I looked at the stone body of Annabeth. She was on her knees tears could be seen on her face. They were stone of course. She had a smile on her face as her hand kept her up. I turned to look at Athena as she looked at Annabeth's stone body. "after everything she has done to us. I forgive her." Athena whisper as she touched Annabeth's cheek. As soon as she made contact the stone dissolved into golden dust. I created wind to blow the dust away from here. I saw Diana besides Liliana's stone body. She still had liliana head on her lap. Diana carefully stood up without breaking the stone body. I walked besides her as I looked at lily's stone body. Unlike Annabeth's Liliana's body looked worse. The thing that surprised me was that she had a small smile on her face. "Diana touch her forehead" Athena said sadly as Diana did as she was told. Liliana's stone body turned to silver dust I made wind blow, but where her dust once was now remained two names." clover, and blast" I read out loud to myself. I looked at the names with a questioning gaze. Athena kept her eyes on the names written on the ground. slowly Diana stood up and walked away with tears in her eyes. "goodbye" she said softly as she walked father away from the spot liliana had died. I looked at her back as she walked away. "You know she will be like this for a few day's" Athena said as she took my hand. I nodded my head and kissed her hand.

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