chapter 30

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A/N im sorry guy this is the last chapter for this book. I really hope you liked it since it was my first book. Comment if you want a sequel for this book, if not please check out myother book called bloody rose It's also a Percy Jackson fanfic Percy falls for Hera in this book. :)

Chapter 30

10 years later.

Clover and blast hid from an annoying maid ready to give her daily permeant punishment. Dealing with Mercedes the maid. She thought she could get their parents fighting and get to be queen and marry their father. They smirked at each other as they watch her walk through the garden. Blast put up three fingers. Once the last finger went down. They throw stink ball at Mercedes. The maid shrieked in anger as she was hit with stink balls. From a far window lady Athena was watching. Amusement clear in her eyes. She felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. "what's going on love?" Perseus asked as her watched through the window. A smirked crossed his face. "nothing really the twins found a new way to annoy Mercedes. Athena smiled and kisses her husband. She broke the kiss. "can we just get rid of her?" she asked with pleading eyes. Percy nodded his head. "as you wish my love. "Percy to Athena's hand and lead her to the throne room. They both sat down. Athena shot gray fire at the ground summing the maid. "you called M'lady" she said bowing with a scowl. Athena looked at Percy. "my husband wises to speak with you. The maid looked at her king with a seductive smile. Completely ignoring that Athena was there. Mercedes sat on Percy's lap. Percy pushed her off. "your things are packed for you. Since you don't work here anymore." He said. As four suit cases appear. He throws them besides Mercedes feet. The twins watching from their thrones smirked as Mercedes stomps off. A woman who looks like she's in her 60 comes in and bows. "lord chaos lady order. I come asking for a job" she said with her voice shaky and nervous. Athena nods felling relaxed as the elderly woman smiled kindly yet you could see she was nervous. "you have one month to prove you can work her. "Athena say smiling kindly. The woman looks grateful. "thank your lady order but what will I do?" the woman asked. "first what's your name. "the woman smiled. My name is Maria" Athena nodded and looked at Percy. "you will watch after our kids when we are not here. You will make sure lady Hera kids are safe along with our kids. The woman nodded and got to work taking clover and Blake with her. 

preys pov

ten years and finally she gone. Mercedes left and i count be happier. that girl was a pain. i kissed my beautiful owl of the universe.  these ten year Apollo got married to a goddess from anther galaxies. her name was luz. light in Spanish.  she was goddess of light. Her and Apollo clicked instantly.

my mom Hestia help children on eat who suffer of hunger.

Zeus faded a while back .

Hera met a mortal and they hand four children. they live here with us.

Hermes enjoys delivering massages as always.

Artemis hunt grew due to her idea. it worked surprisingly.

wine god stayed at camp.

Demeter spend times with her children

my dad Poseidon now lives happily with his wife

as well as hades.

Aries spend time training since he didn't want a gift.

and Aphrodite stared a mortal designer group.

yeah lost happened during those then years right?

anyways me and Athena haven't had anymore children and where no ruling happily as we make thins better for everyone.

and to say this all starts because of one selfish camper.

A/N well this is the end of the book. i hope you enjoyed. byyeeee

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