chapter 17

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Percy's pov
I walk to the cafeteria were i found all the soldiers eating. Once i stepped in everyone turned to look at me. "i completed my mission" i said with happiness in my voice. Everyone erupted into cheers. I smiled at my people as I walked towards my throne and sat down. Food immediately appeared. I began to eat. 'Guys don't you need food?' I asked Fo̱tiá and Págos. 'No, what you eat gives us energy' Págos said. I mentally nodded. I looked around and saw that everyone was still eating. "Percy, how did you defeat the creature?" I looked at chaos. "It wasn't one,but two they were like twins. One was half man while the other was half dragon. They were very difficult to beat. Two against one was an advantage on their side, luckly i remembered that my new sword could duplicate. I used that advantage and my training to beat them. We fought for around 7 hours. Until they give up from exhaustion." I said. Everone turned to look at me. As they heard the way i beat the creature. 'We would enjoy not being called that. Thank you very much!' Págos said. I mentally chuckled. I looked back at the crowd who was now picking up their left over food or trash. Soon everyone returned to their bedrooms for a good night rest. "Percy you will be returning to earth tomorrow. Your four years are up,but you will be back as your my heir, and you can take your friends as well" I nodded. "Thank you chaos. For everything"
Chaos smiled at me like a father would to a son. "Your welcome Perseus" he said then flashed himself out. I shook my head as I return to my room. I get to go back to my wife tomorrow and my friends as coming with me. I smiled widely. I won't tell Athena tonight. It's gonna be my secret to surprise her tomorrow i thought to myself.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now