chapter 21

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Percy's pov

i watched as monster took camp half-blood down. their was fire everywhere and I didn't like this. screams were heard from the bottom of the hill. I put my hood on and ran down the hill. the floor was covered golden dust from the monster and blood from the demigods. many body parts could be seen. I saw many injured and many more dead bodies of the demigods. my team of assassin followed and began killing monsters who were attacking young demigods. the older demigods who were fighting looked relived for the help and kept on battling for their life's. I slashed though the monsters while slashing them like butter. on the back  I saw order in chains as a female stood over him. He was on his knees, his head hanging down in shame. I looked at him in confusion and made my way to the female laugh darkly as she had to hunters but their necks. she was about to rib their heads of when I shot an arrow at her arm. I quickly hid in a tree out of her view. she looked around as I held my bow in my hands ready to shot again. she covered the wound of her arm that was leaking golden archer. she glared at Artemis that was tied up behind her. " which one of your hunters shot me with an arrow!!" she yelled loudly at Artemis. I glared hard and shot another arrow at her other arm. she screamed in frustration, her wound healed quickly as I took another arrow and put  Poisson on it. i shot her on her leg. she lost her balance and fell. but being powerful has advantages. she was able to rip the head of one of the hunters as the girl's blood flowed out of her headless body other hunters scream in agony for their lost sister. orders wife drank the girls blood and smiled darkly as her wounds healed even faster." worthless!"  you cant kill me like Annabeth you need someone strong to fight me!!" she yelled as she dissapered into nothing

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now