Chapter 5

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~Aphrodite POV~

I'm in my palace squealing my head off, today is the day for Athena to choose her wedding dress. I smiled widely as I Squealed in front of my mirror. A knock on my door stopped my squealing. I quickly rushed to opened it. Athena stood there with excitement clear in her face and voice.

"Hurry up Aphrodite we have to go down to get my dress." Athena said trying to hide her excitement. It didn't work.

I grabbed my purse from the seat next to me. "Let's go then. Come on Athena." I said as I grabbed her arm and speed walked away from my palace.

We went to the elevator the goes down to the empire state building. I got lost in thought once we were inside the elevator. I

I was snapped back to reality when the doors of the elevator opened. Was I in thought that long?

I followed Athena to a blue BMW i8. I looked at it in complete awe.

"Where did the car come from Athena?"

"Percy let me use his car." She told me with a smile.

Is it wrong to be a little jealous that Athena has a perfect love life? but I'm mostly happy for her. She found it and didn't stay a maiden goddess. She can now have the love of her life by her side through thick and thin.

what I'm worried about is that I can feel Annabeth's lust for Percy, and its strong. And to add to it she's also extremely jealous and will try anything to break up my ship.

I'm goanna have to talk to her later. I got in the car next to Athena, we were in the back since Percy got or more like threatened Apollo to drive us around all day and neither me or Athena want to sit next to him. Apollos in a sour mood.

"You look extremely excited Athena. you really do love Percy don't you?" I asked as I looked out the window, I turn to look at her as she blushed a deep golden and nodded her head.

"Yea more than words can explain "she said.

"Aww my lil sis is in love with the amazing Percy." Apollo said as he looked through the mirror

"Oh shut up Apollo, and just drive." Athena snapped as her blushed deepened.

I found it hilarious because it's usually Artemis who is being called lil sis by Apollo and is the one to snap at Apollo for it. We were in the car for about 30 minutes until we reached a wedding dress boutique. The one that I liked. I smiled as Apollo parked the car. We stepped out of the car and walked into the boutique. Apollo stayed in the car reading some random magazine. we stepped out the car and walking into the boutique. we were greeted by a lady with brown hair and brown eyes obviously a mortal.

"how may I help you today?" she asked with a kind smile on her face.

"We're here to buy a dress for my wedding" Athena told the lady with a huge smile on her face.

"Okay, I will be helping you today my name is Miss. Laura. What type of dress you'd you like?" she asked Athena.

"I'm not sure. can you show us your best dresses? "Athena asked. The lady nodded and gestured us to follow her. The boutique was huge and had many beautiful dresses. Athena tried on a lot of dresses, but none seemed to catch her eye. We spend about 2 hours looking for a perfect dress. I then saw one, hidden behind some very hideous dresses. I looked to where Athena was and as she looked through a rack of other dressed.

"Athena look at this one." She walked over to where I was look at the dress with a glint of happiness in her eye. "Try it on" I said shoving the dress into her arm. I pushed her to a room so she could change. I waited for her to put the dress on. When she came out. my mouth falls opened, the dress fit her perfectly it hugged her curves nicely. (I have a picture of the dress I can't describe it well enough!)

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now