here is chapter 20

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A/N. sorry I was going to update the chapter 19 a week ago, but I had so much school work. so um.... sorry. I also am trying to write better so some people can stop telling me I have so many errors. T^T I'm not naming anyone. you know who you are. I also am updating less. the chapters WILL be shorter. I do need ideas people. I got writers block... so yea.. one last thing I am writing a new book. it is a Percy and Hera love story. it will be published around September . I might get help from NightmareLuna5 . well that's all. here's chapter 20. p.s bloody sense in this one

Athena's pov

I smiles as I watched percy friends get along with the other gods. I never thought this was possible. I know for sure that this happy moment will not last at all. I sighed and laid my head on Percy's shoulder. I missed him badly while he was gone. (A/N I don't know if you want me to.. but I don't want to write many romantic stuff..) I feel a weird feeling in my gut as I looked around. I saw every one smiling and having fun. I looked at my right and saw annabeth with a smirk on her face. its been years since I have seen her. and now she looks way different. her once blond hair was now mostly red and black. her eye color was no longer gray but a sickly brown, her make up was a dark bloody red. she wore a sultry outfit. she chuckled, one that send shivers down my spine. I took hold on the ring Percy give me ready to turn it into dagger. " oh.. that won't be needed mother" she said mockingly. I glared at her. every one stopped and looked at her. percy wrapped an arm around me protectively. " what are you doing here?" my father asked. I quickly walked back to my throne. I sat down, and I looked at annabeth and glared hard as I could. " why are you here?" I asked as calmly as I could. she chuckled more and walked towards Percy." you know what I want Athena.. but you took him away from me." she growled at me. many of the other gods took out their weapons ready to attack her. I glared at her, while percy walked away from her. all of a sudden she took out something that looked like a gun. "i know it looks like a gun, but I can hurt and kill gods with this.

" she chuckled darkly. she pointed the gun at me, and shot. the bullet came a very fast speed, that I couldn't almost see. it hit me on my side. I gasped in surprise and touch the side the bullet hit me, their I saw my golden archer coming out. I suddenly felt lightheaded and saw worried looks of my family. Percy ran beside and looked worried. the last thing I saw was Percy kissing my forehead gently as everything around me when dark.

Percy's pov

I turned around to see my Annabeth smirking more. " what did you do to her" I asked her very calmly as she put the gun away. "oh nothing she's just fading away" she chuckled darkly. 'don't let her get to you Percy'. Fotia said.

I mentally nodded know to obey them. I glared at Annabeth as she took out the ring I was going to give her. " do you remember this Percy?" she asked sickly sweet. I growled as the as she smiled sickly. well I can thank my mother for the upgrade." she chuckled as the turned it into a dagger. it no longer looked the same it was now black with red lines glowing. 'Percy your wings!' pagos yelled as Annabeth throw it at me. I let my wings out and blocked the dagger from hitting me.

I unfolded my wings and the dagger was back in her hand. " wow someone did really train. so show me what you learned." Annabeth said chuckling. took my sword out to attack her when two demigods came running in. they looked at Athena and then at the scene. both were girls and looked familiar. one had brown hair and the other black. one of the girls eyes sparked with electricity when she was Athena's pale body. the other girl stood still as her eyes turned black. both girls glared at Annabeth and nodded at me. they walked towards me and bowed. prince Perseus. "we are the companions of Athena. blessed by the gods as you were." they said in sonic. I nodded and turned back to Annabeth who was glaring at the girls. "liliana and Diana I thought I killed you!!." Annabeth screamed with fury in her voice.

The girl I guess was Diana spoke. "no, because your stupid" Diana took out a sword that had electricity running though it. the other girl liliana nodded as she stepped back dragging me with her. "they have some problems to fix" she said in a whisper. "who's is your godly parent?" I asked her as Diana and Annabeth began to fight. " me and Diana were not born by a human and god. we were created by chaos and put on earth to keep it safe. at lest until you were to come. Hades and Zeus adopted one of us to hid us as demigods. all I have to tell you it to let us fight Annabeth. she's not the problem its orders wife, go to camp half-blood their is an army coming you and your team is needed their. this Is just the beginning of the war." she told me in her whispering voice and quickly left to help her friend. 'listen to her Percy, she says the truth.' I nodded and created a portal for my team walk through it. I turned back to see liliana fighting with Diana as they both slashed their swords though Annabeth. Diana cut off Annabeth hands, arms and her legs and liliana went violent and put a bomb inside of Annabeth stomach. they both smirked as they stepped back and let Annabeth explode. I watched as parts went flying everywhere, as Annabeth screams of pain suddenly stopped. my team walked through ,as they had fear and awe in their eyes. both girls ran towards me. "were going with you save the demigods" Diana said. I nodded and let them stepped through the portal. I looked back at Athena were she was being taken to Apollo's palace. I walked though the portals to find camp half- blood in ruins.

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