chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Chaos pov

How am I supposed to tell him that I want to fade? I can just up to him and say hey Percy guess what? I want to fade. I sighed watched as he talked to his family. Percy is like a son to me. Even if he has a real father. I saw Percy turn his head towards me and soon he walked my way. "chaos I need to talk to you follow me" he gestured me to follow him. I stood up and follow him out the door. We walked down the bright golden halls of the palace. We stopped once we were far from the others. "chaos what's really wrong?" Percy asked with a face full of worry. I sighed and rubbed my face. I want to fade Percy. Im tired. Most of my children have faded into the void. even my wife has faded. I want to fade and be with her again." I said with sadness in my voice. Percy's face saddens. "okay" he said in a whisper as he nodded his head. "I respect your choice." I put my hand on his shoulder. "as my heir you have to take over the throne" I said to him. He looked at me. "but im not ready to rule the universe" he exclaims. I give him a pleading look. He sighed and nodded his head. "okay fine I'll take the throne now. A smile lit up on my face and hugged Percy tight. "thank you Percy!" I said happily. Percy hugged me back." I'll miss you when you're gone. "He said sadly. "you're like a third father to me" I smiled sadly and broke the hug. "And you're like a son to me. "I said to him.

He smiled and nodded his head. I chanted in ancient Greek and shot a beam at him and watched as his body consumed the power I had once. I saw his eye change from sea green to black with galaxies. His cloak changed to a complete black with the universe on it. Stars could be seen on it as well as asteroids and planets. His hair turned blacker then before. His skin got a better tan to it as he body structure grew. He looked like he worked out but yet wasn't to buff. I smiled and handed him a ring and a neckless. "Give these to your children when they are old enough to keep them safe." I said smiling as I began to flicker.

Percy's POV

I saw chaos flicker and finally fade with one last smile. I smiled back sadly knowing I won't see him again. We had some great times together. I stood there for a while and turned to walk back to where the others where. 'Now to tell them I became king of the universe.' I said to myself as I walked into the room. Everyone turned to look at me. "Percy?" Athena asked me with shock in her voice. "yea?' I answered confused as everyone looked at me in shock. "what?" I asked stupidly as they looked at me. Aphrodite summoned me a mirror and I gasped when I saw myself. Athena narrowed her eyes at me, silently telling me to talk. I gulped and looked around." Chaos faded." I said loud enough for them to hear me. "as soon as he faded I was left with the position as king of the universe." I said silently but still enough for them to hear me. Every one stayed silent for a few minutes. "M'lord!" Luke ran in painting. I turned around and looked at him. "what Luke?" I asked confused as I watched selen walk in after him zoe and Bianca after her." congrats" he said patting my back as he took big gulps of air. I rolled my eyes.

out the way. "chaos gave us necklaces that would glow when he faded and the new king has been crowned." she said glaring at Luke. "let me see one." I said. Selen took of her necklace that had the shape of a crown. I took it and looked at it careful. When I touched it glowed brightly. I give it back to selen and turn to look at the Olympians. "im sorry Athena we must go to chaos planet." I said to her. I saw a frown appear on her beautiful face. "why can't you stay here with me?" she asked tears building up in her eyes. "Athena you coming with me this time." I said softly to her, hoping she would not be mad or upset about leaving. I walked over to her and lifted her up bride style. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "mom. Could you bring the blast?" I asked my mortal mother who nodded and took Blast. "Mother?" I looked at Hestia. "can you get clover?" I asked her nicely. She nodded and got my baby girl. I opened a portal and walking in with Athena in my arms. Athena gasped when she saw the inside if a portal to chaos planets. Stars where inside making it seem as if we were floating in outer space. I heard the other gods gasp when they looked in. "you guys want to come and have a tour of my palace?" I asked them they all nodded and walked into the portal. They all looked at me and I continued walking them fallowing me. I could hear clover crying. Hestia smiled and summoned a baby bottle for clover and blast. I remember that my children where just born and had no clothes on. I snapped my fingers and blast and clover had baby clothes on. Athena smiled and kisses my check as I walked with her in my arms. I walked out the portal and looked around. I saw what use to be chaos throne room. Now it is mine. I walked over to a large throne. "this was chaos throne." I told the amazed gods. I sat Athena on the throne besides mine. When I sat Athena down the throne shimmered brightly. I smiled as a wall of gray covered her. As we watched the gray wall turned black and I could see star appear. I smiled. "beautiful" I heard the gods murmur. The wall disappeared and Athena sat on the throne. An owl on the top. She was wearing a crown on her head. Black eye liner covered her eyes. It made her eyes more noticeable her dress was beautiful you could see stars and galaxies on it. I waved my hand a throne for the other gods appeared. They all sat down. "I will give you all on gift. Choice well" I said to them. Aphrodite stood up. "can I have a dress like Athena's" she asked. I looked at Athena for permission. She nodded and I waved my hand. A dress almost as beautiful as Athena dress appeared on Aphrodite.

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