chapter 12

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Hey heres another chapter, i had a friend help with it Again, oh and i drew the picture.

Percy's pov
I heard someone knocking heavly on my door. I grond and sat up on my bed. I looked around and stood up. "im coming, so hold you horses."
I said sleepy as i walked to the door and opend it to see a very excited chaos. Man right now im regreting this training and i haven't even started yet. " training starts in 30 minutes, that gives you only ten minutes to get ready, and another ten to eat breakfast." He said quickly and left, he did even say were the training room was. I shook my head and enterd my room again. Last night i didn't even looke around correctly. The rooms big, the size of my old apartment in NewYork the walls were a blue, with a bit of green in the mix Theirs a king size bed with sea blue sheets on the left side, night stands, a sea green carpet was near the bed . Theirs a huge flat screen tv with two couches around it, and black Beanbag, theirs two desks on the other side from the bed. A laptop in top of one of the dest. The desk have everything you need. I saw two more doors. I walked to the door on my right and i see im in my very own bathroom. I walked in it to see a very nice clean bathroom. Their was a big bathtub the showerhead was above it with the shape of a star insted of a circular one. The floor was tiles with a nice pattern. I saw another door and opend it. I saw a closest full of clothing. I grabed a my usual assassin Cloak. I brushed my teeth with a the new tooth brush chaos left in my room. I tryed to comb my hair but give up eventually. I checked the time on the iPhone chaos give me. 6:15 i only have 5 minutes to get to the dinning room. I walked back into my room, i looked at the other door and walked to it. I looked at it a few seconds, i open it and saw a room of weapons. I saw two swords thay caught my eye. I walked towards them one radiated light the other radiated darkness. I left them their but put other weapons under my cloak in one minute. I walked back to my room i saw a later on my nightstand. I picked it up to read it.

Percy you must wear your crown. I will introduce you to the army today.

~Love chaos~

I looked and saw the crown i glared at it and walked to the dinning room without it. I saw my mom sitting with paul. Now that they have the blessings they look like their in their 20. My other friends were in the same table. The dinnimg room was the size of a football felt so its better as a cafeteria or something, eh who cares. I saw many people with uniforms, they all wearing black uniforms. Many turn to look at me. I felt someone beside me i turned my head to look at choas i looked back anssaw many of the soldiers bow to choas. Chaos gestured them to stand.

"My warrior's, i have found a heir to my throne. A true hero. Worthy to rule the universe one day. I will like you to meet my heir percy Jackson." All looked at me as they bowed in their knees.

"Please don't bow to me" i said loudly so they could hear me. Everyone looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"I don't like to feel superior to others who have done good." I said truthfully. The all looked back at choas and he nodded his head. I saw a girl step forward. She had a peach color skin black hair, and purple eyes. She bowed to choas then. Me before she spoke. "Will he be commanding any part of the army sir?" She asked chaos.

"Yes, kela he will be commander of the whole army. He will make sure everything if in order,but he will be training for a war the might happen down on earth. He will also command a small group of assassin he has gathered. They all were cloaks." The girl kela nodded as she looked at me. " i am kela orsa, i am the commander of the fire elements of the army. I train those with fire power." I nodded my head as i listened carefully. Chaos cleard his throat.

"Percy you must eat, your training begins today." I nodded my head, chaos pointed at the thrones in the front. I frowned. "You must eat with me in the thrones." I looked back at chaos. He walked towards his throne as i followed him, i hated the fact i can't eat along my family members, i sat in my throne that flared power when i sat down. Soon i saw breakfast appear in every table. I ate in silence as i watched every one eat peacefully. I mentally smiled. This reminded me of camp during the good times. I shook those thoughts out. "Percy where's your crown?" Chaos asked me with amusement in his voice." In my room." I told him simply as i went back to eating. I heard him chuckled as he snapped his fingers, soon their was something on my head. I grond when i realized that it was that dam crown. I took it off of head and put it on chaos head. I then realized that chaos made me late to training with his heir speech. "Chaos i have to get training." I said to him as my friends stood up to leave. Chaos nodded and flashed us into the training room. I saw many weapons on a wall. Their were many training dummies, i saw a guy that looked like he was in his 40s, waiting patiently. I walked towards him. He saw me walking and bowed. I mentally grond knowing that will happen alot. "Prince Perseus, i will be your trainer." I nodded as my friends stood behind me. "Okay, first don't call me Prince Perseus just percy, and second may i know your name?" I looked at him waiting. He had red eyes as he nodded. "i am James hexle, sir" i nodded. "Okay, lets begin" James nodded. "You might want to take the cloaks off." I snapped my fingers and our cloaks disappeared. "Now you all must give me 400 push up"my friends gron as we all got into position. yea i was right i would regret this training. It took us about two hours to do all those push ups. James just stood their as we did our warm ups. He than made us run around the whole palace 30 times, and let me tell your chaos palace is the size of 6 football fields. All in all at the end of the day we will all extremely sore.

Okay next chapter will have more of their training and will be longer.

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