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Liliana pov

i feel as if something is going to go wrong during this war. i followed the demigods to the training arena. i stood their in front of all of them. "demigods. we need to train our team work. any demigod who tries to fight alone is a goner!" i yelled loudly so that everyone could hear me. im not someone you want to mess with. i am here to train you into being a army. so get into formation." i want all archers in the front". i yelled. it took the campers 20 minutes to get into straight line in the front. "swordsman behind the archers. " i yelled again. "need the one that use daggers in the back!" i yelled loudly again. as soon as they could they began to move around to were they were to go. " You're all to slow. we need to increase your stamina and speed. were going to run 3 time around the camp borders." i yelled as many groans were set off. "  i turned around and made began to run to thalia's tree with the demigods behind me.

7 hours later.

 "okay you are all dismissed to go to sleep." i dismissed the demigods because they looked tired. i felt bad having to train them this hard, but i was needed to win this war. i turn around and walked into the woods. i made my way to Zeus fist where i saw Diana, Percy, Luis, and Brandon. "hi" i said as i got closer to them. they turn to look at me with smiles. "wow, i didn't know you could be so loud" Percy joked. i rolled my eyes and looked at them with a serious face. "Percy we have to practice for the bomb" i said clearly getting to change the subject. Diana nodded her head in agreement. "yeah. your right." Percy put up a force field around our the wood keeping Luis and Brandon out side the field.

I looked at Diana and Percy. in sonic we all summoned 2 percent of our powers. my sphere of power was blacker then the night. Diana's was an electric blue. I looked at Percy's and his was a beautiful sea blue color. I pushed my sphere in to the center of the circle between the three of us. all of our sphere cullieded making a  slightly bigger sphere, but this one was golden colored. We all looked at each other still holding the powers together. Slowly I called my power back to me. As did Percy and Diana. i soon felt my power hit me full force an pain ran down my body. i landed on my knees. a few seconds latter i stood up and i saw tackled to the  ground. "ahh!" i yelled as i fell. I glared at both Luis and Brandon who were laughing their asses off.

"Ha-ha. very funny you two. now get up" i growled at them. "but it was funny" Brandon  said in between laughter as Luis shut up quickly both getting of my back . i looked around and saw a big dark shadow. i smirked and wield it to cover Brandon whole. i heard a girly shriek from inside the dark shadow. "common commander. leave him alone" Luis said . i sighed and let the shadow return to normal. on the ground Brandon laid shivering. "so-so dark"  he shivered more. i rolled my eyes and walked past Brandon. "get up you big was just a little darkness." i muttered under my breath. Luis help Brandon up from the ground as i walked into a shadow. "ill be back. i have to return to crystal to tell her 'information'" i said to them as i made myself appeared in crystals palace.

 I walked down the long hallways in her palace. 'i hate this place'  i thought to myself as i walked down the hall. i saw a few monsters training as i passed the huge gym. i kept walking until i reached the throne room.  their crystal sat in all her godly form. i got on my knee and bowed my head to her." i come with news my lady." i said to her. "go on omega get on with it" i looked at her my appearances changing to "normal". she smirked and nodded her head. " good. i see you disguised your self as a camper" i nodded my head. i was still on my knee. "M'lady. they we're unable to find the gem. we on the other hand have an advantage. we have more people looking for the gem." i lied to her as she nodded her head. "good. i have a gift for you." i looked at her in shocked. "w-what?" i asked making sure she was not kidding. " for all your great work omega." she said. "M'lady. i cannot. with the fall of Olympus it gift enough." i looked at her making it look like i hated the gods. "nonsense" with a clap of her hand a throne grow out from the ground. The throne was black with a large cat on the side.  i stood up and took a step back  in shock. i saw a smile/smirk appear on crystals face. "why a throne M'lady? i am no where near as powerful as you." i bowed on both my knees. she stood up and walked around me. her dress flowing around as if they were wind." because my omega. you no longer need to spy on the pesky gods. ill get someone else" i felt her put a hand on my head.

" im very sorry Malady, but the gods already suspect of me. if i were to disappear they would start to believe their is a spy amongst them." i said. she had a thought full look on her face as i mentally yelled.  "fine. your right. the gods will noticed. we need to keep a low profile" i nodded my head as she frowned. i looked at her waiting. "get up" she said i nodded my head and stood with my hands behind my back. " go back to the gods and keep me informed on their movement" i bowed slightly and nodded my head. "as you wish malady" i said as i wield the shadows to cover me up. i saw a wave of darkness over me and i soon  found myself in the woods. i walked to were my tent was. i entered, my tent wasn't normal. the inside was bigger then it looked on the outside. i basically had my own house. the tent had four rooms and one bathroom. "good to see you made it back" Luis said. he was seating on a couch watching TV. i walked and sat next to him. "she wanted to give me a throne." i sighed and rested my back against the couch.

"okay. wow. i knew she thinks you are her best friend. i never guessed she would try to give you a throne." he said as he looked at the TV. i nodded my head as i closed my eyes. "commander" Luis whispered besides me. i turn to look at him in the eyes. without his hood i could see his brown eyes. "go to bed" he said softly. i nodded my head and stood up from the couch. i turned around and looked a Luis. "call me lily" i said and walked out without giving him time to respond.

A/N. i am soooo sorry i haven't been updating. please forgive me. anyway i was helping out my friend death_killer116 write his first book. please check it out. its called "You Wronged me! Now your dead." comment, vote, follow. bye-a

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