chapter 22

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A/N hey guys so I found people to help write this rest of this book because me being me, I'm having troubles with depression..... again. anyway, thank you kutl13 and EmilyRenee432 who are writhing the next few chapters. thanks again guys I am greet full. also my next book will not be posted on this month... sorry if some of you guys were waiting...

well here's chapter 22 I won't do the next ones...........

Percy pov

I Walked into looking at recently deceased huntress thinking about how she died because I pissed Order wife off and she killed her out of pure revenge “where is Order ?” I asked “ over there right where she left him ”Artemis put an expression on the word she as if it’s a curse word I walked over to “Order what's your wife doing ?”i asked him “You think I know we were supposed to rule the world in perfection we were supposed to make it perfect and now she wants to destroy  all the humans I wanted to share the world do away with the gods and destroy everything  ” Order said sadly “Wait don't the monsters know ?” I asked “ mmm  the monsters are either to stupid or have been misled ”he replied “Order help us defeat your wife and maybe we will find a less painful punishment ” I pleaded “hmm you think I care about a painful punishment but I will help you if you let one prisoner free and then I will help .”he say's slyly ,Artemis was listening to the entire conversation she was about to argue  when I shook my head cause I knew we needed Orders help and besides how bad could this person be he says the name of the prisoner and I only thought is fate is a bastard.  I looked at the dead body's and frowned. this camp lost so many campers in just a bit of time. I stared to come up with strategies, only one seemed to work, I turned to look at to look at Liliana and Diana. " we need to preform a bomb with our powers, but one will die....." I said the last part in a whisper. liliana nodded and so did Diana. I understood they were taking the chances to save the camp. liliana but the hood on , her face was covered by shadows she turned around making the black cloak seem to flow with the wind.

"then we must practice the bomb with out using it for real." she said in a whisper as she walked away from Diana and me. "is something wrong with her?" I asked Diana. "donno... I've known her for years and she's never acted this way." I nodded as I watched as liliana help the campers with the dead bodies on the ground. "theirs something wrong with her" I told Diana. she looked at the floor. " I don't know what to say." she said and walked to another side of the field to help out. I sighed as I began to help.

~time skip~

once we buried all the bodies of lost campers. I saw liliana walking towards me, her faces was still covered by shadows. "we have a primordial on our side" she said as the stood in front of me. who I asked. "Nyxs" she said. I was shocked, I did understand why as if reading my mind liliana looked at me in the eyes, I looked at her eyes closely her eyes usually look black but their dark brown, that seemed black. what I saw next shocked me more. her eyes became completely black. no white to be seen. "Nyxs adopted me" I now am a daughter of Nyxs. and I convinced her to join our side." she said. I nodded in understanding. "Percy!!" I turned to Diana as she ran towards me. "its Athena she's wake." my eyes went wide as I flashed myself to Athena's side. I looked at her face that was pale, her gray eyes looked dull, but the smile on her made me happy.

"love.." I whispered into her ear softly. she rapped her arms around my necks and she laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled softly knowing she was going to be fine. "Percy promise me you'll be fine after the war." I looked at her as she looked into my eyes. love can't promise you that I have many enemies in this war. they will all try to kill me more like make me fade. she rapped her arms tighter around my neck. " at lest promise me you'll take care of your self and try not to get hurt." a tear feel from her left eye. I wiped it away with my thumb. "promise love." I s aid into her ear as she nodded. " while I was in here I came up with a conclusion. they might attack in a week or two." I nodded gratefully.

Athena I must go and train I have a way to kill of the monsters plus orders wife." I said. she nodded. " ok.. " as I looked at her again. " Athena do not join in the war your hurt badly and nearly faded. the other Olympians have to agree to fight in this was we need a lot of help." I said as I turned around. "PERCY!! I'm not staying on a bed while the other fight a war." she said angrily. I looked back at her. " no my love. your staying on that bed. you were already near fading, I cant lose you." I said sternly as I kissed her sweetly. she kissed back which made me smile into the kiss. I broke apart and smiled at her. " you're staying on this bed love or I will take you to my home on chaos planet." I said. Athena grumbled a fine and laid back down with the covers over her head.

I chuckled lightly and made my way to the throne room. I was about to go in when I noticed liliana and Diana we now beside me. they nodded at me as we stepped in. Zeus looked at me. as both girls as stood beside me. " I think we found a way to stop the was but well need you Olympians to fight in this war. " I said with seriousness in my voice.

"we can't fight the ancient laws forbid this! " he yield. "Zeus remember I am now higher authority!! the laws hold nothing agents me. do this for your children who have died to save your asses as they sit on a fancy throne!!I yelled louder power radiated of me forcing him to back down. all the other gods looked shocked that I just forced the king of gods to back down easily. Liliana step forward as she took her hood off her eyes remained black.

" let me tell them what our plan is." she said quietly so only I could hear. I nodded as she turned to face the gods." we have came up with an idea that must be practice... were making a bomb with our powers united. we need you to join the war and create a force field around the camp strong enough to stand the blast of power." if this isn't done you will surly lose your thrones to the forces of crystal. she's no one easy to beat." she said with seriousness. Zeus looked at her. "may I ask how you know orders wife name?"

Liliana nodded her head. " I became an assassin for her to be able to collect information and return with it. so far I know her next attack will be in two weeks from now. that is enough time for me, Diana and Percy to prepare the campers for the army that will be coming." she said clearly so all the gods could understand her. " I agree." I turned around and saw Athena walking to her throne, she sat down and her pale face became normal color again. I smiled lightly.

"lady Athena" liliana said bowing. " we are glad you are here. she said kindly. " have you thought of a formation for the campers go be in for the war?" Athena asked. liliana shakes her head. Diana steps forward. " I thinks we should have them all fight with a partners so they could help each other out as they fight." Athena nodded as made a blueprint appear in her hands.

" I thinks hades should summoned an army from the underworld to help in the war, liliana you could help train the campers into formation and Diana could teach them to fight together. Percy you could makes sure their are ready for battle, we only have two weeks to train them into an army. you three also need to find time to practice uniting you powers to make an explosion big enough to disintegrate the left over monster and enough to weakened orders wife and make her fade. " we all nodded in agreement. " father I also believe we should join our children in war." she said looking at Zeus with pleading eyes. Zeus nodded knowing that Athena was right and so were we.

"ok we need to get going the campers training should start today." I said as I created a portal for us to get to camp.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now