chapter 15

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A/N hey guys i know how long you've waited for this chapter. Anyway i feel better but im now going to enter school in a week or two so updates will be less frequent. Anyway i need ideas for the book. I want to hear from my readers. So please give me some ideas. buttercupbc123 give me the ideas for this chapter so thank you very much.p.s chapters will be shorter
Percy pov
I looked at chaos as if he lost his mind. "So your telling me the four years wasn't enough?" I stared at him completely shocked. "Uhh..... yes" i saw the other facepalm. Chaos looked away as he wisely choose to look away from my glare."percy, it was enough training to defeat order, but not his wife. I didn't know she was behind all this, she gets what she wants, even it it costs oders life. I need you to go on a mission for the sake of the universe." I sighed as i ran my fingers though my messy hair. "Fine if it will help save the universe" chaos looked at me with seriousness. "This mission won't be simple, you trained enough for it. You have to defeat and detaine a creature as old as my father void." I looked at chaos who's face was still completely serious not a trace of childish anywhere. I nodded as i truned and walked back to my bedroom. I need sleep and to visit my beautiful wife. Im sorry Athena i still have one year to go before we can be together again. I sadly sighed as i looked up and saw my bedroom door. I immediately went towards my bed. I lyaid down and stared at the ceiling that had many star in it. They seemed so really i could see planets, meteors,asteroids, etc floating in my ceiling. I felt relaxed as i fall into a deep sleep. I opened my eyes and looked around i was in a park that looked made by humans but their were no children playing. "Percy!" I turned around to face my beautiful wife. I smiled widely as i hugged her tightly. " mi armour, como estas?(my love, how are you)" i asked her as she smiled widely. "Estoy bien" she responded simply. I put my face in the crook of her neck."I love you Athena."
"Me too percy i love you too." I smiled as i hugged her more. "So percy, hows your training going?" I looked at Athena as she asked this question. "The training is going great,but we have found out who were are up against, and its nothing like giants war, we will lose alot of campers this time, i fear even more then the last war." I sighed. "Chaos decided to send me on a dangerous mission, and might take a while. He said its important to capture a creature as old a father void." I rubbed my tambles as Athena hugged me tightly. "No!! please do go. You could get badly hurt." I smiled at her concerne about me."Athena i must, i will win because i will be thinking about you the whole time,and how i should get back to my loyal wife at home." I said as i smirked at her. She gasped in mocking horror."your cheating on me!?!" She faked tears as i smiled at her. "No, i couldn't even look at another woman even if i tryed." I said into her ear. She giggled as she kissed my cheek."better be so." She said with seriousness and playfulness in her voice. I chuckled as she wrapped my arms around her waist. Her back was now against my chest, i wrapped my arms tightly around her as we sat down on the ground. I looked back at the park were children began to play. "Percy?" I looked at Athena as she looked up at me."yea?" I asked her. "Do you want children?" I smiled at her brightly. "Yes i do mi armour" she liend into my chest. " i do too..." she whispered softly as she feel sleep into my arms slowly she disappeard out of my arms. I frowned knowing that next time i sleep will not come soon.

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