chapter 11

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Third person pov
Percy look back at his now wife as she waved a at him with a few tears in her eyes, the rest of his family behind his wife, they all had tears, they wont see him for four years of his training, Artemis and her hunters were their as well,surprisingly they had tears of respect towards a male, Artemis just smiled sadly at at her her sister husband. Poseidon walked forward towards his son and give him a hug that could rival tyson. "Take care my son, i know well be seeing each other soon" Poseidon return to Amphitrite side, triton looked at his step brother with respect, slowly everyone said goodbye to the son of the sea and hearth, lastly Athena his loyal wife. She pulled him into a passionate kiss. He holded her by the waist. "Be carefully this training will be no walk in the park" she said to her husband who chuckled at her. He nodded " i know Athena." He said with a smile on his face. Athena glared at him before smiling at him as he wiped her tears with his tump, he hugged her one last time before stepping into the black vortex, he appeared infront of chaos who was asleep in his throne, percy rolled his eyes as he walked towards the sleeping 20 feet tall primordial.
"Chaos" he tryed shook the primordial, Chaos made no sigh of waking up soon. "Chaos!" He shook him harder, chaos only snored. "CHAOS!!" percy yelld while shooting water at the sleeping primordial, making the chaos shoot a black beam out of his hands, he looked around for any sigh of a treat, until his eyes landed on percy, who was now beside his throne."couldn't you wake me up like a normal person?" He said look at percy who now lookd angry g, percy shook his head." I tryed your a very heavy sleeper. I really didn't expect that" he told chaos, chaos grumbled about needing his beauty sleep. Percy looked at the creator in amusement clearly in his eyes. "Yes, i get it you need your beauty sleep, now about the traini-" percy was cut of by chaos. "Right almost forgot, since you are my heir, you'll need lesson about the worlds i have created and on how to rule them, training will be extremely difficult, but we must start with adding your throne as Prince of the universe." Percy nodded listening carfully at everything chaos said. Chaos shot a beam at percy who gasped at the massive pain he felt, soon percy fell on his knees, a rush of power flowed through his vines as he became a primordial, a throne appeared next to chaos slightly smaller, it was had sea blue color to it, it had an ocean that seemed to move, a Phoenix carved at the top of the throne, chaos was a black throne with galaxy's,stars and,planets. Percy stood up and gazed at his throne, he grow to a hight of 20 feet, and took a seat in his throne, he soon felt another rush of power hit him as he sat down. Chaos grinned as percy sat down, percy smiled at choas who was still grinning, they hive fived. "Okay that was cool, now what?" Percy asked chaos who smiled. "Im gonna allow you to bring back people from the underworld" percy looked at choas with a shooked expression. He then got himself into thought. 'If i get luke, i could give him a second chance at life, yea luke,zoë,silena,,Charles,Bianca,and Castor. Their worthy of a second chance. And mabe if my mom amd paul agree' Percy looked at choas who was waiting for a answer, percy smiled. Percy smiled at his choices, chaos nodded " i will tell Hades that i am releasing souls" he said as he created a vortex, percy nodded and snapped his fingers his back cloak appeared, he smiled under his hood, as he stepped through the vortex, on the other side was Elysium, he smiled as he looked around, he saw none of his friends, percy did infact see his mother with Paul as they enjoyed their time together, percy walked towards them as he smiled under his hood. His mother looked up at saw a hooded figures, she was confused as to why he walked towards them. Percy removed his hood, sally and paul looked wide eyed as they saw their son, sally stood up and tryed to hug percy but her hands went through him. "Percy,are you dead?" She asked her son with shock in her voice. percy shook his head."no, chaos the creator of the universe, made me his heir amd allowed me to get souls from the underworld, both of you can come and get granted immortality." His mother and paul got lost in though. Sally looked at paul who nodded his head in response. "Percy we will got with you." Percy smiled widely as his mother returned his smile. Paul look at percy hand and noticed a ring. "Percy, Who's The lucky girl? Sally looked at paul with a confused gaze, paul pointed at percy ring. Percy lifted his hand and looked at his wedding ring. "I married Athena yesterday" sally looked at percy."wha about Annabeth?" She questioned, percy growled at her name. "She cheated on me, i think she's up to something." He told his parents who nodded. Percy snapped his fingers and both his mom and paul were in cloaks, sallys was a soft Orange while pauls was a light blue. Theirs were whire as well, Percy gestured them to follow him, they walked around until he saw castor,with silena and Charles, he walked towards them slowly, they all looked up and saw percy, silena squealed as she hugged him tightly, Charles pulled silena of him as he smiled happily to see his friends again. "How did you die perc?" Castor asked percy. Percy smirked."im not dead, im here to ask you if you want another chance at life?" Castor agreed instantly, silena and Charles looked at each other happily. They as well agreed. Percy summoned cloaks for them as well. Theirs were completely white unlike Sally ans Paul's cloaks. The were mostly white. they all pulled their hoods up as percy lead them to were Bianca and luke were. Luke and Bianca were shooked as they saw percy walk towards them. Luke stood up as percy reached them. They saw hooded figures behind percy. "P-Percy?"Bianca asked with shook clearly in her voice. "Before you ask how i died. Let me tell you im not dead. Now im here to ask you if you want another shot at life?" He said with seriousness in his voice. Both looked shooked at the offer of another chance. Bianca nodded with luke following her. Percy smiled happily as he snapped his finger, both were coverd in white cloaks like the others. Percy created a vortex. He step through with everyone behind him. When they reched chaos throne room, they all except for percy began to barf not use to to motion inside the vortex. Their was soon a puddle of vomit as they keep on barfing, and to make matters worse chaos walked into the throne room with his lunch, he looked shooked to see all the vomit, he nearly vomited himself, lucky he was able to hold it down. Percy moved away from the vomit, as his friends soon stoped. Chaos snapped his finger and it dissaped.
Another vortex opened beside percy as a figure walked out confused, percy walks towards his friend. "Zoë."Percy called out to the figure, she looked at her long lost friend, she ran up and hugged percy. "Good to he you to zoë but your crushing my rips." Percy whizzed out. Zoë blushed slightly in embarrassment and let go. "Zoë, you were givin another chance at life." Zoë looked at percy with happiness. Choas at un his throne and gestured percy to sit in his. Percy nodded and walked to his throne and sat down as his friends gasped. Percy smirked as chaos began to speak.
"Prince Perseus' percy glared at choas' has gathered you here to give you another chance at life, you all have accepted. I chaos and percy have bestowed the gift of our blessings to you."
Every one who had their hoods no took them off. Percy stood up next to chaos.
"sally, paul, Bianca, Luke ,silena, Charles, castor, and zoë you are here by granted our blessings ."chaos and percy both said as they shoot a mixture of black and seablue beams at demigods and mortals . The beams hit them, they soon got on their knees due to the pressure of the power . The light around their bodys died down 5 seconds later. They all stood up and gasped as they felt more powerful." We given you the blessings of an assassin." Chaos explained as percy smiled at his friends who he considers family. "Our blessings give you full immortality." Percy told his friends who smiled in return. Percy looked at choas."now what?" He asked him. Chaos chuckled "you must tell them about what has happened while they died, and while you do that I'll watch their expressions while i record it all. Then well show them their rooms." Percy nodded and snapped his fingers thrones rose from the ground."you guys are basically gods so imagine your self growing and sit on your thrones"Percy said lazily as he sat in his Thorne. Everyone nodded as they did what their were told. Percy looked at his friends as he told them about what happened during their time in Elysium. They had many emotions through the story such as shock, anger, sad, excited, happiness,ect. Chaos filmed it all on a camera while he silently laughed. When percy Finnished they all looked at his hand to see he had a ring. " hey perc why do you have a ring?" Percy looked at luke who was the one to speak. " i married Athena yesterday." Luke look down." So Annabeth did cheat on you?" He asked with a sad expression that had anger mixed into it percy nodded sad as he rememberd that moment. "Sadly she did, but in a way i should thank her." Percy said with happiness in his voice. The others looked at him with a smile as percy smiled back at his family. Chaos interrupted the family reunion by coughing. They all wipped their heads toward his in sonic. " okay, percy is gonna start training tomorrow, and i am making you all a part of my army Percy will be the commanderbof it now. Since he is the Prince." Percy gronde beside chaos who snickered. "You'll be training for another war along with my army and percy. We'll start with build body strength and stamina." Chaos said as they all nodded. "Cool now our rooms were are they we should get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Percy said as choas rollded his eyes. " follow the colored lights that catches your eyes. Percy saw a seablue and followed it. Sally saw a white light mixted with soft blue. Both her and paul followed it to their room. Zoë followed a silver light. Bianca followed a purple light, while silena and Charles followed a pink mixed with orange. Castor fillowed the last color which was red. Chaos watched as they all went to their rooms. He to flashed himself to his. 'Tomorrow is gonnabe hell for them' he thought to himself as he grind.

What did you think. Also im gonna add a lot of torture in the future chapters. Now im not a blood thirsty person so im terrible with stuff like this. And since i write what i see in my head. It's gonna be difficult for me. :) wish me luck. If anmy one has an idea please fell fre to massage of comment it to me, i will give you the created, Please comment,vote,follow. Bye :) have cookies

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