chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Time skip four month's

I was in camp training the campers when I heard Luke yelling my name like a maniac. "PERCY!!!!" he yelled running around in cycles. "what Luke?" I asked annoyed as I stop and looked at him. "A-thena she's giving birth." He said while gasping for air." I froze when he said Athena's name. I bolted to camp borders. I stopped. "duh I can teleport there. Im such an idiot" I muttered to myself. I quickly flashed myself to Apollos palace where I heard screaming from Athena. I ran to where it was coming from. I ran through the hall and came to a golden door. I opened it and saw Athena on a bed as she was painting. Artemis there with a bundle of a pinks blanket in her arms. I looked at Apollo who was holding a bundle of blue blankets. "twins" I whispered as I walked towards them. I smiled happily as Apollo handed me the blue blanket inside I was a baby boy. He had gray eyes with a few fiery red spots in them like his mother his hair was as dark as mine. He had a smile on his face when he looked at me. I looked at Athena with a smile I handed her out baby boy. I Artemis handed me the baby girl with a smile on her face. I looked at my daughter who had sea green eyes like me with a hint of fiery red in them. She had golden looking hair like her mother. I heard Athena whisper to herself. We all turned to look at her as she looked at us. "Clover and blast" she said. I looked at her with a questioning gaze. "remember Percy after liliana body turned to dust, she left two names clover and blast?" I nodded my head. "She left two names for us to name our children." I looked at her with a smile. So this sweet little girl is clover Jackson and this cute little boy is blast Jackson." I smiled with joy. "perfect" Artemis whispered with a smile. As Apollo's smiled and pat my back. "congrats man. You got twins" I nodded and smiled at them. "I'll go call a meeting" Artemis said as she ran out the door with a smile on her face. "Athena smiled as she looked at our son with love.

"their perfect" I whispered into her ear with a smile on my face. 'there so cute' fotia said in my mind. I felt Pagos nod in agreement. As I smiled more. I closed my eyes and focused on pagos presence in my mind slowly his presence disappeared from my mind. I opened my eyes and saw him there with a smile on his face. 'I want to hold the kids too!!' fotia yelled in my mind. I focused on his presence and soon his also disappeared. I opened my eyes and both where there

in front of me with smiles on their face. I smiled and give them both bro hugs. "Percy how are they? Athena asked me. "Athena this is fotia" I said pointing at fotia who waved at her, "and this is pagos" I said pointing at pagos who smiled kindly at my wife. "nice to meet you Miss Jackson" they said in sonic. Athena blushed when they called her Miss Jackson as I smirked at her, and looked at the door where I saw everyone coming in. "chaos?" I asked shocked. Chaos looked at me and nodded he has a smile and took clover from my arms. "aww their so cute." Aphrodite said as she put a finger on clovers head.

" what are their names?" chaos asked me. I took blast from Athena arms and kissed her cheek and then looked at chaos. "clover and blast Jackson" I said with a smile. Chaos nodded a sad but yet happy look on his face. "chaos why are you sad?" I asked him my smile turning into a frown. Chaos looked at me sadness covering his face. "Diana and liliana were both my daughters I created them. Now one of them is dead, and it hurts to see my children die." He said as he looked at my daughter with a sad smile. "chaos liliana saved us all to finishes the war." I said as I looked at Athena who looked sad herself. I turned to look at my father who looked at me with pride in his eyes. "Well son. Im very prude of you." I hugged my father and looked at my mother Hestia my father let go of the hug. "I bowed to my mother playfully and smiled at her. "son. My I hug my grandson." I nodded and handed her blast who was still in my arms. I carefully handed blast over to her. "I've never actually held a baby before." Hestia whispered. She looked into the eyes of clover and gasped. It seems she has inherited my blessing from you Percy" she said shocked. I nodded with a smile. "yes it seems so mother."

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