chapter 9

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A/N Short chapter

Annabit-(oops i mean annabeth) POV.

I walked around in the Athena's cabin, I was alone there wasn't any other Athenian kids here. I had to get percy back, I made a mistake on cheating on him. He's soon going to become a god, i know it, I need him to fall for me again but how. I for sure know that love potion won't work, he's too strong of that stuff and his love to Athena makes hit header, and let's not forget his fatal flaw, I grabbed my hair in frustration. I can't find a simple way to make him mine again.

'I could help you get your lover back' I heard a voice say, I looked around the cabin,but saw no one, 'oh sweetheart you won't find me' the voice chuckled.

"Who are you?" I asked the voice

'im chaos brother, my name's order, i'm here to claim what's rightfully mine once again. if You help me then I help you. how about that?' He asked me.

I thought about it, if I help him, he could help me get percy back.

"You got a deal" I told the voice.

'Good, swear on the river of Styx's that you will help me destroy chaos.' he said

"I annabeth chase swear on the styxs to help order destroy chaos."

I said with confidence.

'Good now i will swear to get you you'd lover. I order swear on the styxs to help annabeth get her lover in return for her service to me" thunder boomed twice signaling that our deal was made.

'Now you must come up with a way to destroy the gods of olympus so we can get to chaos.' He said then his voice disappeared.

I smiled wickedly knowing i will get MY percy back.

Chaos pov.

I sighed as I rubbed my hand through my hair. I can feel his presence, couldn't he just stay inside the void. I have to get percy to train for this war. Oh man will he be pissed. I stood up and created a portal to the gods throne room. I stepped through it knowing i am the one that has to tell percy he has to lead yet another war. I landed in the corner on the room where there were a lot of shadows. I walked out and saw the goddess of the hearth.

"Lady hestia, could you summon the Olympian council." I asked her nicely because she's one of the kind once here. She nodded as she send a burst of flames into the sky it bursts making a loud ' boom ' through olympus. Soon their was 12 flashes and their stood the gods of olympus. They all took a seat in their thrones. I sighed "Olympians their is a third a new war coming, but I'm afraid this is out of your hands, I believe Percy will have to once a again lead another war." I explained to them. They all stayed quiet as they took The information in. They looked at me with wide eyes. "One more thing I will have to take percy with me after his wedding, he must train for this war. He will lose his title as guardian of olympian children. I also recommend that you watch over your children and spend more time with them, the leader of this war is very powerful, he matches me in power if not he passes me. He will try to corrupt your children. Stay at camp this will make it more difficult for him to get to you." I told them. They all nodded their heads in approval. " I will be the one to tell percy so i need to know where he is."

I said looking at Athena.

"He's preparing of our wedding it's today." I nodded. "Okay go get ready for your wedding Athena. You all may go." I said and the gods flashed away to get ready for the wedding. I snapped my fingers and i was warring another tuxedo. It was gray with a blue tie. I followed percy powerful aura to apollo's palace. I flashed in. I see apollo seating in a couch with percy next to him. I walked over there and sat in the couch in front of them. "Hey chaos" percy greeted me while apollo was snoring in his sleep. "Percy, i need to talk to you, it very important." Percy lend in to listen better."their another war coming, but it's bigger than the last one you fought in." I sucked in air.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now