chapter 14

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Percy's pov
Im currently in my throne listening to chaos teach about controlling the universe, he explained about every galaxy he created, he told me how many planets each one has. So far i know he made about 50 different galaxys, chaos calls them sectors each planet has different temperatures and weathers, he said some are like earth and contain water. I am. Currently writing down all of this so i won't forget, Since it is alot to remember. I sighed as i keepet on listening to chaos speak.

Annabeth pov
I walked into the forest were order told me to go, he said to go in the deep part of the woods so no one would follow me. I when reached the deepest part of the woods,i saw him seating on a log, he immediately snapped his head towards he. He smiled at me warmly, something i haven't seem him do. "Annabeth." He said, I saw him pat an empty spot next to him, i obediently sat down. I saw his hand twitch a few time as if wanting to move. "Annabeth, i dont want you to return to Perseus." he said softly as he looked away, he whispered loud enough for me to hear, i found it completely strange for him to act afraid, my brain started to register what he said. "WHAT?! WHY?!" I ask complete confused and angry. He looked at me in the eyes "i just don't you too." he said stubbornly. I haven't seen him like this he always act superior, now he's act like a teen age boy. I looked at him with a shocked face, i then glared at him "i want the real reason" i said. He looked away and stared at his shoes. "I-I can't say" he said and flashed out, so he called me here for no good reason. I thought angrily as i storm my way back to camp. He swear on the river of styxs, he can't just break it, but he is a primordial, will the Styx actually harm him? I thought he could help me get percy back, i was mistaken, i have to help him overthrow the gods now, i though as enter Athena's cabin and went to my bed, i sat down, i felt like screaming out of anger, i can't forget the face my ex-mother made when she disown me. I can't forget anything since i cheated on percy, it all feels like its all a course from the gods, i betrayed the only place i called home, and i don't regret it at all. I feel no guilt,no sorrow. What happened? a few months ago i was fighting in a war for the gods, a few months ago i fought next to percy and the seven, and we deffeted geia, we put her to sleep. Every thing changed since then. I layed down and stared at the ceiling. Though the only question i have that really bugs me. Why was Order so afraid. Why did he sound like a kids who was scared of his mother finding out he took cookies from the cookie jar. He wasn't himself at all. His cold voice that sounds evil wasn't their. If he's afraid should i be as well? But from what? I sat up again as i looked around the cabin, it was empty no Athena children in sight. They all must me doing their camp activities. I chuckled as i thought of their faces of disgust every time they see me. The way they avoid me like im the monster of their nightmares. I keep chuckling as i imagined camp in flames. Yea i really don't reget on helping to bringing this camp to its knees. I just need to find a good way to get percy back. I pace around the room as a brilliant idea come to my mind. Oh this will be fun.

Secret person pov

I watch the pathetic girl trying to come up with an idea to get Perseus, she won't get him, the more she is angered by the fact she can't have him the more determined she gets. This girl is stupid enough to help overthrow her own kind, the people who cared for her, i chuckled as the grabs a hand full of her hair, she completely determined to get Perseus back. The stupid Foolish little girl. I stood up with my black dress twirling, when i turned aroud to face order. "You did good, honey do not disappoint me." I chuckled as i sweetly kiss his cheek. He shook his head quickly as his pale skin,turned paler from fear. I chuckled as i enjoyed his fear. "Once we make those puny gods fade, chaos is next, along with his heir." I smiled evily as i turned back to the star dust that showed chaos teaching Perseus of the universe. Anything they plan to stop me and oder, won't work were strongest and more powerful people aside from chaos, his heir is just a learner. They can't win.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now