chapter 13

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A/N hey guys, i noticed all of my mistakes on my book, please forgive me, i don't own a computer so i type on my phone. Im a really fast typer and i seem to make a lot of mistakes doing so. So please don't be harsh because i have so many mistake. Im still human and i do make mistakes in life like evey living thing. you should also now that phones have auto correct so it mostly not my falt it comes out like that, my phone settings is in Spanish.

:) i drew the picture so
Here is chapter 13 its not long as normaly sorry,

Third person pov,
Huff,huff,huff,huff. The warriors all ran around, the palace for the fifth time as they were told to do. Percy has been with chaos for a year now, he's determine to save his home on earth from this new enemy. Chaos seems very afraid. Order along with a mysterious woman have become pure evil. No one has been able to stop them.

Percy now has been training harder, in one year he learned how to use a bow properly, many new fighting styles, he even created his own, it looks like a dance, deadly, graceful, powerful to the enemy, he uses may tyoeof wa weapons without trouble, he can now do 200 hundred push ups without breaking a sweat.

 Chaos told him that on his last two years he would learn about the universe, but he will still be training he will have less sleep the he use to, percy as also been visiting Athena in her sleep.

 Athena on the other hand is sad that she won't see him for another 3 years, many gods have noticed how not having percy by her side has effected the goddes of wisdom, she mostly with mar and cela, once in a while she disappears and goes to earth. The gods wonder why.

 (can you guess why? :) no she's not cheating.) The gods suspected many things but, all were shocked they day, they found out she's been visiting a family, a mother and her daughter, she help then alot.

In camp the greeks have United with the romans getting along perfectly fine. Everyone noticed a change in annabeth, she became more darker, her aroua felt evil, many of the campers suspect of her,but keep quiet. No one crosses her bath anymore unless necessary to do so, some noticed that she disappear from camp for weeks, chiron sees this and frowns, he feel that one of his best pupils have gone were they can't return from. He fears the worse of his studen. The Olympians. Have been keeping up with their children, even if the demigods don't realized it. Its been going on for a year now since percy left, no demigods know to were he left, the gods didn't tell them afraid for any spies in camp. It has happend once, they do not want to repeat the same mistake over again.

Percy pov.
I landed flat on my feet as i fought paul, we were practicing the fighting still i made. I spind around paul who was. Caught of guard, he was expecting me to go right as i went left. I did a danced of short were i go back and forward, i slowly reached for my sword as he takes out his, as i was about to slash at him, luke comes in skipping. He jumps on my back as try to get out the way, i gron as i push him of me. "What the heck luke!" I shout as he gets of me and starts runing around the training room, i sighed as my mom,zoë and silena ran into the room."who give him sweets?"

 I asked with irritation clear in my voice. I stood up amd dusted the dirt of my cloak, zoë pointed at my mom who smiled innocently. I groaned as i looked around to find out that luke ran towards chaos office, i followed him.

When i got to chaos office itm i had to hold in a laugh when i saw chaos on the floor i swear i just saw birds flying around his head, i heard a girly scream coming from tje girls restroom, my eyes went wide as dinner plates when i noticed luke wasn't in the room anymore, i bolted to the restroom area, i saw the girls door broken down as luke walked ot with red cheek, but still had a smile on his face. I slowly walked towards him. I wield water to hold him down in place.

 I made a huge amount of water flow over his head, in a second he was drenched in water. He looked around, and holded his red cheeks. "Whay happened?" He asked completely confused, i chuckled."wow can't you remember anything at all?" He looked at me like i grow another head. "Mom give you cookies again an-" he cut me of."wait what. Please don't tell me what happened." He Said. "And you droped chaod from his chair, amd ran inside the girls restroom." I said quicly as he looked at me with horror. I grind as i bolted away from the restroom area.

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