chapter 3

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Athena's POV

As soon as Percy left, my father immediately told Iris to open an Iris Message so we could watch him work. We watched all of it. I felt a bit queasy when the mortal exploded into tiny bits. We watched as Percy interacted with the kids, then he flashed back to Olympus. His black cloak was splattered with blood. He snapped his fingers and his cloak disappeared, leaving him in his tuxedo. He walked with the girl and the boys towards us. I saw Hephaestus go to the boys. The boys had hammers over their head, as he claimed them. He hugged and smiled at his young twin sons. I saw the little girl look scared as she hid behind Percy, holding on to him for dear life.

"Percy, she's not a demigod, is she?" My sister, Artemis, asked. Percy nodded his head in response as he looked down at the young girl.

"I was wondering maybe one of you could adopt her and make her into a demigod." He asked the gods. They all stood still, I was about to speak when Nike spoke up.

"I will adopt her." she said with a smile on her face. She summoned a yellow orb of power and let it engulf the little girl. Nike then proceeded to run to her new daughter and hug her, like a true mother would.

"Are you my new Mommy?" asked the little girl. Nike nodded at her daughter. Percy snapped his fingers and the kids had new clothes on. I walked over to Percy and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I can't wait to marry this man, I thought with a smile, as I watched the kids with their parents. I heard Percy chuckled I looked at him with a questionable gaze.

"I can't wait to marry you either, love." I blushed and realized he must have read my mind. I saw a flash go off and I knew Aphrodite took yet another picture. But this time, I was blushing in it. I glared at her. I turned my gaze to Mar and Cela, who were being bullied by Mark's former followers.

"Percy, look." I said, pointing to where Mar and Cela were. Percy became furious at the sight. I walked to them, with Percy in tow.

"What are you doing to my daughter and sister-in-law?" I growled. I saw both boys shiver and run away. I picked up Cela and Mar from the floor. I give Cela to Percy, who just got here. He was laughing at the boys who ran away.

"Great job, love." he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and smiled, looking over Mar to see if she had any injuries, luckily she had none.

A few hours later, the party slowly came to an end. All of the demigods had to go back to camp, so Percy and I went back to our palace to put the girls to sleep, since Artemis allowed Cela sleep over with Mar. Once they were asleep, Percy took my hand and we walked to the throne room. I made a throne appear next to mine for Percy to sit at. They were in discussion about the wedding theme.

"First what's the wedding theme?" asked Aphrodite everyone.




"Sea themed!"

"Eat more cereal!"

"I don't care."


"Shut up Apollo!!"

"I like the idea of a Greek wedding." I heard Percy say.

"I'd like a modern-styled wedding." I told him with a smiled.

"Both." Aphrodite said simply, as she listened to the conversation between me and Percy.

"A mixed theme wedding." Percy said. He looked at me to see if I liked the idea. I smiled brightly and nodded. The other Olympians continue to argue about the theme of the wedding, except Dionysus, he looked beyond bored.

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now