chapter 18

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Percy's pov   

I smiled as I looked at my wife who was waiting for me in the same dream we had last time we saw each other. "Athena!" I called out. She turned to look at me, a smile spread on her face when she saw me. "Percy!" She yelled happily as she ran to give me a hug. "It's been a week since we have spoken." I looked at her. " I know, love, but I had to do the mission the time was different their then on chaos planet." She looked at me with a understanding. "I get it, so the planet was in a different galaxy their for the time was different." She said. I nodded my head. I was gone for a week in chaos planet, but on the planet i was on it was only a day." I explained to her. She nodded removing her arms from my waist."Do you know when your coming back?" She asked me as she looked at me. I smiled know that tomorrow I was gonna have her in my arms again. I looked back at her "soon love. Very soon" she looked at me with a smile. "How soon?" She asked again. I looked into her eyes 'should I tell her?' I asked myself, but pagós answered me anyway. 'You should' I mentally nodded at him as I looked at Athena again. "I return tomorrow" I  said to her. She smiled as she hugged me tight. "I can finally hug you in real life. " she said with happiness. I chuckled as I hugged her back. I noticed she began to wake up so I kissed her a good bye. I woke up just when my mother entered the my room. "Oh Percy your already awake" she said. I nodded as I sat up. "Good, you should get to the cafeteria to eat breakfast." I nodded again. "Okay mom let me just get ready." She nodded as she walked out my room with a smile on her face. I quickly got ready and made my way to the cafeteria. On the way I saw Luke who had a guilty look on his face. "Luke!" I called out. He stopped and looked my way as I ran up to him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed and he turned to look at me."i can't go back to camp or Olympus." He said. " I did betray the gods after all" I sighed and shook my head."they all changed and forgive those who made a mistakes." I looked at him "even you" a spark of hope shined in his eyes as he smiled. "Thanks perc" I nodded as we both made our way into the cafeteria

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now