chapter 23

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Liliana's pov

I walked out the throne room after the meeting was over. I snapped my fingers and my cloak changed changed into one of an assassin. in crystal army in the only female. crystal believes I'm her best friend so she tell me everything. I need to fine her weak spot and tell prince Perseus . Diana agreed to watch over the campers while I spied on crystal. I quickly made my eyes change into the color red making me look slightly different.

I made myself go through a black hole to get to crystals palace. I made my way to the throne room, were I saw crystal siting oh her throne. "M'lady" I said bowing. " I have news on the Olympians plans to destroy you." I said to her. "oh do tell me, omaga" I got up and looked at her hiding any emotion I felt. " their are gathering a special gem that can destroy even father void." I said knowing she would believe me. " WHAT GEM?!!!!" she yelled as I mentally smirked. " a gem only chaos knew about. he told the Greeks about the gem in hope to destroy you, it is somewhere in Africa." I said as I lied smoothly. her eyes turned into fire as she slammed her hands on her throne sides.

" get my best assassins an to find this gem before the Greeks do!!" she yelled as she sat on her throne. I nodded as I walked out. I found her assassins playing poker in the bar. I entered and every one became quiet. " well look what the cat dragged in" one of the guys said as he looked at me up and down. I growled loudly as I grabbed him by the neck. " who is he?" I asked as I looked around all the other became one spoke." oh a feisty one" he said sounding drunk.

I made the shadows hold him down. " M'lady would love to play torcher" I said loudly as he stayed quiet. I let him go and forced him to sit in a chair. "M'lady wants her best assassin to find a rare gem that could destroy her. you leave today, but I will warn you that this gem is not easy to find. look for a black stone that contains a golden star." I said and was about to walk away when a voice called out to me. " wait, will you come to find this stone?" a new assassin asked as he walked a bit closer to me. " I'm sorry I can not. M'lady expect me to spy on the Olympians more. we do not want to die now do we?" I asked sickly sweet.

the guy began to shake a bit as he nodded and sat down looking at the ground. I mentally frowned knowing he did not want to be here.I can tell he was forced like a few others, but some chose to come on their own. I made a list of names appear in my hand and I looked at the names of each assassin that was forced to join crystal. " I want these people to come with me.







I said as I they stood up I walked out of the room with them following me. I made a portal down to earth. i landed on my feet as the others fell still not use to it. " keep following me" i said in a whisper. i lead them to a underground room. the room had a large conference table." sit down somewhere i said quietly.

they did as told and looked at me waiting for me to speak. " where all of you forced into working for crystal? i asked them. each one of them nodded. " i have a way to free you from her. you will go and pretend to look for this gem that is not real. and give to Greek time to train... or you can try you tell crystal who will kill you eventually for "lying to her". I said using my fingers as quoting signs. They all had look that said they want to be free. one by one they began to nod their heads in agreement. " so your all in?" I asked them. "yea... were all in." one of the man spoke for the rest. I took of my hood for the first time in front of my assassin team. I smiled warmly knowing this was a great way to start a friendship. " we cool" I said with in a hipster way

. " don't ever do that voice again." the guys said in unison. I laughed slightly as I made a omega sign on all their cloaks. they looked confused at the signs on their cloak. when we enter war the demigods will know you are on our side." I said to them as I pulled my hood up again. " now if crystal ask why you have those signs say its because you need training from me before the war. got it?" I said/ask them. they all nodded and we stepped through the black hole and appeared I in the same room as before all the males were once again drinking or playing poker.

I walked forward as they all looked at us walking in. " have you all gotten ready for departure?" I asked the guy beside me who nodded his head rapidly. I smirked as I patted his head. "good boy. now I need you to get in V formation we leave now. I will help you get to you destination but you must find the gem on your own. contact me when you find a way to get the gem from where ever it is." I said and made a shadow ready to deport them to their so called destination. I saw the my new friends smirk under their hoods knowingly as the other assassin climbed into the portal.

"the ones with my sign stay." I said loudly. the guys stayed as the assassin walked into the portal. the shadow portal closed and I turned to face my friends. " two of you come with me to the gods we need more spies." I said as I had a smiles on my face. Luis and Brandon walked towards me as I nodded my head. I re-opened the shadow portal for the others to go though. " guys I need to give you these new cloaks." I said handing them cloaks that looked like the ones they had on. " they look the same as the ones you have but they are to keep you well in the weather. in the cold you'll be warm and in the heat you'll be kept fresh." I said as they put on their new cloaks.

each cloak came with new improved weapons. " were did you gets these from?" delta asked as he admired the inside of his new cloak. I smiled and clapped. "well their made out of shadows after all nyx's is my adopted mother. I used my powers and made them now please stay safe my friends." I said as I smiled and waved at them as they walked through the portal. I turned to face Luis and Brandon who were putting on their new cloaks. " common guys we have to go." I said as I grabbed their hands and teleported us to earth. we landed in camp- half blood. I gagged as I saw Athena and Percy kissing. 'get a room you two. no PDA in public places." I said jokingly as Percy and Athena blushed deep red. I chuckled softly. "anyway Percy I need you to call all the demigods. I need to tell them important news." I said getting serious. Luis and Brandon stood beside me as Percy nodded and left quickly to gather the demigods.

 I walked past Athena and smiled at her slightly.  I felt Luis and Brandon walk beside me as I lead them to the dinning area. their I saw that all the demigods where seated already. well that was quick  I thought as I stepped in front of everyone. the nose was loud no one paid any attention to me when I cleared my throat. I covered them all in shadows making them shut up  quickly. I let go of the shadows as everyone looked at me." good, now that your all listening to me I can tell you the important information" I said as the crowed nodded their heads ready to listen. " I have found help from my team of assassin. they are forced to work for orders wife. they have agreed to distract her other assassins giving us time to train." I said looking around." I will be training you into and army we have to work together." many campers burst into cheers as. " we must start today right now theirs no time to waste." I said as i pointed to the direction of the training arena. many heads nodded in agreement as  they made their way to the arena.

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