chapter 16

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Here chapter sixteen hope you like:)

Percy's pov.
I sighed as i step through the portal chaos created for me. I can do it, but he said that i need to save my strength for the fight with the creature. I felt myself move forward without me moving. I saw the other end of the portal. I stepped out and saw mountains, trees,grass, etc. I scanned my surroundings as i walked slowly. My assassin cloak flowing with the wind. I walked until i heard sound of clashing. I followed it too find a man figure fighting a half dragon man. I watched for a while, with my blessings i knew this was the creature i was looking for it was both of them actually. I stepped forward as they both stopped their fight. "Im guessing your here to fight us" the man figure said. As i looked closer i noticed that hr had marks running down his arms. "Yes" i said simply. "Very well then" he said again as they both charged at me. I side stepped their attacks. I watched closely as they attacked me. The man figure attacks on my left side while the dragon man attacks my right. I touched the owl on my sword gennaíos, it created a replica of my sowrd on my other hand. I made it on time to block both of their attacks. This is difficult, but i need to do it.

~Time skip seven hours later~
I pushed my swords down against theirs, thus bringing them on their knees, both dropped their sword and got on both knees of exhaustion, i stood over them with sweat dropping of my face. "Well ain't you gonna kill us yet?" The dragin guy asked. I looked down at them with a questioning gaze. "What? I didn't come here to kill you, plus you haven't done anything wrong" they both looked at me with surprised gases. They looked at each other and back at me. "Your not here to kill us then why are you here?" The man asked. I shook my head. "No chaos told me you chould help with a war if i defeat you in battle." They looked shocked at my answer. "Okay" they said in simulation. A bright light surround the man with markings while darkness surround the man dragon. Both of them disappeared and the lightness and darkness surround me. Pain shot through my body forcing me on my knees. For what feelt like hours of pain stopped suddenly. I looked no different, but i felt stronger and more powerfull. 'We are now part of you.' I heard the voice of the man creature.
'May i know your names?' I asked them. 'Yes, my names Fo̱tiá, and this guy here Págos." I nodded "my names Perseus but call me percy." I said i felt a weird feeling as if my head was moving, but it wasn't. Im guessing that their nodding their heads. "As we said earlier we are part of you." Págos said. "Thats what chaos meant when he said detain the ancient creature." Fo̱tiá said. I nodded again. "So now you have our powers and we'll help you with them you won't have to train to master them as we will help while you use them." Fo̱tiá said. "Okay got it." I said as created a portal to send me to chaos palace. I landed on my feet, i snapped my fingers and the cloak disappeard. "Percy!!!!!" I turned to look at the person who yelled my name, i saw my mother running towards me with Paul after her. When she got to me she crushed me into a very tight hug. "Mom, my bones your crushing them." I gasped out. ' she has strength" Págos said. "Yep" was my simple response.
"Eww percy your stinky" my mother said, i chuckled, "mom i was in a battle not a walk in the park." I said, my mom rolled her eyes at me. "whatever go take a shower." I nodded as i went to my room.

A/N hopefully you liked :) as i said before im not updating as much as i used too. I'm sill asking to see if any of you have ideas for this book.
Vote,comment,follow bye :3

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