chapter 26

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 Percy's POV

 we all watched with horror as Liliana died as she killed crystal, well they both actually faded into the void. As they mixed powerd to create explosion bigger them anything ever seen. The ground shook so hard it knocked everyone down. The gods struggled to hold up the force-field as they were beign knocked down. "NO!!!!"  we heard Diana yell as she sobbed and tried to ran to her best friend getting pas tge force-field. i felt wave of power hit me as i was consumed in power. i dropped to me knees due to the pressure. five seconds latter i felt all my power return to me.  i stood up and ran to were Liliana's body had fallen. up close we could see her better.

I saw her lower body was turning to stone. her eyes were wide open as her eyes held no emotion, no sadness, no fear, hate, or pain. it was sad to see a friend like this. i looked down at her stomach she had a major wound it looked like a bullet hole, but much bigger. Silver inchor leak from her mouth as well  from her wound. we saw her take her finale breaths. Diana lifted her head and put it on her lap gently. "lily" Diana began to sob. big tears rolled down her cheeks. right now everyone were around Liliana who spoke softly her voice sounding soft like always  "p-lease promise me you'll be the s-ame crazy Diana i meet" she said in between gasp as Diana softly whispered i promise. just when Liliana went unmoving. soon every one began to look sadly at the dead body of the girl to destroy crystal. just when i remembered the new guy. her still out their ready to send another attack on us.  " im sorry Diana" i said watching the body turn to stone. Diana stood up and wiped her tears away looking up ahead were their was another army of monster larger this time. 

i sighed and turn to the demigods." I know we all last many campers or hunters today but they are not done yet . attack with no mercy. they show non so neither will we!" i yelled to them as all let out a battle cry and charged at the army. all demigods where beyond mad. i could feel it. hero's  being one of my domains. I ran towards the army of monsters. using my anger as fuel I killed monster after monster. not feeling any pity or mercy towards them.all gods and goddesses alongside of demigods fighting as one. I saw Zeus with Thalia. I looked ay my father. "Dad!" he looked at me. "We have to gather monsters into groups with water!" i yelled to him over the loud sounds of battles. He nodded and summond water and created a long water rope. I weild the water rope to tie monsters togather. "Thalia! Hit the water with a bolt!!" i yelled to her. I sa her look at her father and thry both shot 1000 k at the water ropes. The monsters quickly turned to dust. My father summond more water as i tied more monsters up with it. Once again Thalia shot it with bolts of lightning. Soon enough my father was fighting alongside with Zesus and me with Thalia.

~3 hours later~

We were wining. We lost a few campers as we fought. With every fallen camper, the more the stronger the rest got. I fought with luke,Selen,Zoe, Bianca etc. And as we fought some of my chaos solders appeard to help. They all had their hoods up and monsters fell faster. All wounded demigod we taken to camp as the rest of us fought. As i fought i thought of how this all started. It all began with annabeth's betrayal to me and then camp.  I stopped and looked at the cloaked figure infront of me. I glared at it recognizing who was inside.

A/N well short chapter better then nothing right?
  well it better be so until the next chapter my lovely readers

Perthena ( Major Editing To Be Done)Where stories live. Discover now