Chapter 9

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"Jaxon, have some fun!" Jacky

Jaxon decides not to drink, despite wanting to. In his mind, he got married the last time he drank. He's also avoiding the possibility of doing something nasty and embarrassing in front of Jacky's other companion.

"Nah, I'll just sit here and accompany you. You can have some fun all you want just don't bother me in the corner."

"C'mon dude! Minsan lang 'to! Saka it's weekend tomorrow so there's nothing to worry about going to school."

"Jacky, do you live in a dorm? If yes, have you forgotten the curfew? By 10 p.m., all gates and doors are going to close, aren't you worried about that?"

"I have my ways man, you don't have to worry about that at all HAHAHAHA"

"Ugh, shut up."

"Jaxon, it's going to be fun, I'm telling you. Do you see that girls and guys around you? Just pick one of them and have some steamy night HAHAHAHAHA.."

"Gross, don't say that. Not everyone here came just to have sex with anyone. They definitely just came here to have some drinks or kill the time."

"Oh no, not at all. Okay, let's say they came here for those reasons, but I'm telling you that 70% of people here came for pleasure, including myself HAHAHAHAHA"

"Tsk, get out of my face. Have some fun or a wild night, whatever you want. I'm just going to stay here, but don't bother me. If you do, I'll leave you here."

"Okay, okay, fine. Call me if something's up, okay? I'm just gonna go in the dance floor."

"Do what you want, the hell i care.."

[Music playing]

Jaxon sat in the corner, just like he wanted to. While patiently waiting for Jacky, he sees how people act when alcohol hits their system. While observing, the memories of him making love with Kenzi pop into his mind, which makes him blush.

"It's so hot in here, I think I need to have a drink to calm down myself." He said to himself.

Jaxon was out of sight when Jacky returned from dancing with the crowd, so she instantly contacted him. However, it turned out that Jaxon's phone was left on the table.

"Where the hell did he go?!" Annoyed Jacky said "Oh, he must be on the restroom.." she added.

Jacky continued to dance with her friends until someone harassed her. 

"What the fvck is wrong with you, dude?" Jacky asked the guy who harassed her.

The music is loud and everyone has a business to mind, so the situation between her and the guy is not noticeable.

"Let go of me! Fuck! You're a perv!" Jacky.

The guy grabbed her wrist, and they went to the restroom. As soon as they came in, there were also people who were making out and releasing their pleasure.

"Fucking bastard! What do you think you're doing?!" Jacky is getting nervous and about to cry because there is no one around who is on the right mind to help her.

The guy was about to touch Jacky's private parts, but someone suddenly broke a bottle on his head to stop him.

"Jaxon!" Jacky burst into tears when she saw Jaxon in front of him.

"Do you know what I hate the most? A person who committed a sexually related crime." Jaxon said then proceed to beat up the guy  until he gets unconscious.

"I hate it to the point where I want to commit murder and let them suffer in hell for touching a woman without their consent." Jaxon's eyes were burning with madness while Jacky is asking for help to stop her friend.

"Stop it Jaxon! You might kill him!" Jacky shouted but it feels like he doesn't hear anything.

"I cant stand people, especially this person commit a fvcki-----" when Jaxon was about to final hit the guy the bouncer get to stop him.

"Hold him.." Bouncer

The music stops and everyone in the bar sent back home except for Jaxon, Jacky and the guy who gets beat up.

"The police is arriving soon...Ma'am, are you okay?"

Jacky nodded.

"Follow me to calm yourself down, okay? Breath in......Breath more time...Breath in.....Breath out....last one, Breath In....Breath Out...okay, wrapped this blanket around you and let's wait for the medic, okay? Can you do that?"

Jacky nodded.

"This guy needs a first aid, he wounded his hand.." talking about Jaxon.

"Yeah, hold up. We should take care of this guy first, he's unconscious and bleeding a lot.."

"As soon as the police arrive you two give your statements, alright?"

"Ma--makukulong ba sya?" Jacky nervously asked.

"It depends on the situation, i guess? Don't worry, everything is going to be alright..."

"Sir, the medic and the police has arrive.."

"Let them in.."

"Help me carry this man to give a proper aid."

"The other two, let them come to the police station and get their statements for what happened...also secure the cctv. I'm just gonna assist this guy until he gets treated in the hospital.."

"And also, call their guardians.."


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