Chapter 11

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I don't wanna wake up.

Why did i do that last night?!

It's so embarrassing!

What hour it is?

I bet he's gone, right? He has classes today.

"You're awake?"

Damn it! Why are you here?! You supposed to be in the university!

"Yeah..." I shyly respond.

"Drink this before you go."

Ha?! He wanted me leave as soon as i wake up?!

"I have to go, thanks for letting me sleep here."

Urgh, i feel like throwing up. happened to my han------? Oh, yeah right. Is Jacky alright?

It hurts.

My hand is hurts T_T

"You should eat first.."

"I'm not hungry..."

*Stomach growl..*

"You ain't good at lying huh?"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, go downstairs the dinner is ready.."

Gosh, it's already dinner kaya pala gutom na gutom na ako.

Wait, a sec.

"Dinner, you say?"

"Yeah? You've been asleep for fourteen hours, i thought you were dead but glad you're not. Now get your ass up and eat your dinner before you go."

Fourteen hours?!!!! That long?!!!

And i can't even remember my dream!!

Oh, he changed my clothes.

His room is huge compared to my room in the dorm. Speaking of dorm i have to go back and check Jacky if she's alright.

"How are you feeling right now?" Tanong ni Kenzi.

"I'm alright.." tipid kong sagot saka umupo.

"How's your hand? Does it hurt a lot? Can you move it?"

Asking me questions like that makes me wonder if it's really coming from you or if you're just doing it because Stell told you to.

"I'm okay, you don't have to worry.."

Or is he really worry about me or just faking it because my guardian is his close friend?

"I'm not worried, I'm doing this because of Stell. You should thank him instead of getting mad at him. He called me to pick you up because he's worried about you."

That's what i thought. You took me to your house not because you are worried, but because of Stell.

The fuck? Why am i even thinking of this shit?

What's wrong with me?

Does he and Stell have a romantic relationship? Or like they had a past and that's why they are so close to each other, or am I just delusional?

As far as I can remember, Stell mentioned Kenzi's past and how he couldn't let it go.

Now I'm curious about it!

I lost my appetite.

"I will go now, thanks for the food and i apologized for disturbing you."

What the hell I'm talking about?!!!!

I sounds like a jealous boyfriend!!!!

"No, don't say that. You didn't disturb me, not at all."

"Okay...I have to go."

"Wait, aren't you gonna finish the food? Was it bad?"

"It taste like shit.."


Your food is top-tier, but I can't say that because it'll hurt my pride.

"Oh, i see. You've already tasted shit huh? How gross, Jaxon DeLavigne."

Is he trying to pick a fight on me?!!

"No wonder you're a philosophy professor." Inis kong sabi.

"That doesn't have to do with my profession.."


If i could just kick you in the ass..i'll do it from the moment i opened my eyes.

"I'll drive you to the dorm.."

"No need, do you think I'm a child?"

"If something happens to you Stell might blame me..."

"Stop mentioning Stell whenever you're about to do something good to me, it's fvcking annoying. What are you two? Lovers?"

"Excuse me?"

"Just shut up, okay? I'm not an elementary student. Keep your ass here and don't follow me."

"Whatever, do as you like. I'm not here to stop you or what."

Annoying piece of shit.

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