Chapter 18

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It's already 10 in the evening but i haven't seen Jaxon around.

I do mean what I said about not interfering in his personal life, but he could've just given me a heads up if he has some business to finish, so I don't worry this much if he's going home or not.

"Damn it.."

Should I try to call him?

No, that won't do, he gonna get mad for sure. But what else is the way to reach that little prick?

Should I use the Stell card for him? Whenever I mention Stell his nose becomes reeky, just like a bull who wants to attack at any moment.

Does he have feelings for Stell? That's nonsense.

Really? I have more time to think about this useless things than to worry about that brat who has a rebellious attitude. I don't know what I triggered in his system to make him mad whenever he sees me.

If I were to analyze the situation, I have more right to be mad about everything because he dragged me into this marriage thingy. And now I have to deal with this because i got involved.

I was about to dial Jaxon's number when I heard the doorbell ring.


Isn't it Jaxon? Why would he even...

"Is anyone there?" That is someone's voice.

I rushed to the main gate to open it and see Jaxon being carried by the stranger.

"Do you know this guy?" he asked.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I picked him up in the street, laying on the ground, pretty wasted... Kung iba siguro nakapulot dito baka ano na nagyari sa kapatid---kapatid mo?" tanong nya.

"Hindi.." agad kong tugon

"Eh ano? Baka hindi mo 'to kaano-ano ha!"

Wow, really? The way you're holding him is making me pissed off.

"Hand him over..." I said with a serious face.

"Just answer me first, kaano-ano ka nya? Baka human traffickers' ka ha!"

"Damn it, just let him go. I'll take care of him.."

"No! Not until you say your relationship with him.."

Jaxon groaned...and opened his eyes..

"" he said while caressing my cheeks and then go back to sleep.

"Now give him to heard what you wanted to hear.." i said.

"Hu--bby?" dude was startled, lol.

"Yes, I am his husband, so let him go, and I'll take care of him. Would ya?"

"B--but you both are dudes.."

"Who cares about gender? Love is love. Don't ever dare to question someone's sexuality again."

"Whatever, hope you have a good marriage.." he said before leaving.

Good marriage huh?

I wonder how to----no, don't ever think about it. 

The people around me have failed their marriage, including min---

"ughhhhhh..." Jaxon

"Did you get married again? you drunkard."


"Hey, are you sober? Get off of me, you're heavy.."


"Look at you, being cute all of sudden to cover up your mess.." 

We should visit a doctor next time, he might end having a liver problem cause of his habit of drinking.

"Jaxon, where did you go?" I asked.

He's sleeping already.

After putting him in bed i prepared a warm water and a towel to wipe him.

"Uhmmm..." he moaned.

"Hey, I will change your clothes, okay?"

I was about to remove his jacket and feel something in his right hand, and when i took a look at it, i saw the ring we used when we got married.

"Since when did you wear this?" I asked while smiling.

He's been hating me ever since, but i didn't know he had this side of him.

"Are you showing off that you're married, huh?" I asked again, then pinched his cheeks.

Such a baby when sleeping and a kitten when awake.

"I promise, even if it's for a short period of time, I will make you the happiest person in the world."

My back is killing me after sleeping on the sofa for weeks now. But it's okay, seeing Jaxon comfortably sleeping on my bed makes me comfortable too.

"I'll see you later." 

True, I despise relationships, having a partner, and marrying. I'm aware that my explanations are insufficient to justify my hatred of the most common and pleasant thing humans do. But who can blame me? I almost married before, thinking we'd be together to the end, but crap happens and we always end up in the most predictable way, which is to break up.

It's funny to think that I got married to this person the first time we met, rather than to the person I knew for seven years.

Did i regret it though? 

So far....


I'm looking forward to how this love-hate relationship develops. Will it be alright if I gamble on this? I'm willing to lose at any moment, just give me enough time to process and let me experience how marriage works until Jaxon remembers the word divorce again.

But how can this marriage work when I'm the only one who's willing to take a risk and face the consequences? It's not that i can force Jaxon to be serious about this.

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