Chapter 10

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"Where's your guardian?" Officer

"In the states.." Jaxon

"Don't lie to me kid.." Officer

"Do you want me to call him?" Jaxon

"Please do.." Officer

[Phone Dialing..]

"Hello, Jah? What's up?" Stell

"Someone wants to talk to you.." Jaxon

"Who is it?" Stell

*Jaxon gave the phone to the officer*

"Hello, good evening Sir, this is from Manila Police District, am i speaking to the guardian of Jaxon DeLavigne?"

"Huh? Yes, why? What happened? Bakit sya nasa police station?!"

"Can i ask what's your relationship with him?"

"I'm his uncle.."

"Where are his parents?"

"They are busy so i am the one who's taking care of him for years now.."

"Okay, Sir. Can i get your personal information?"

"Yeah, I'm Stell Astorga, 28 yrs of age. Currently working in San Francisco and Jaxon DeLavigne guardian, what else do you want to know?"

"Oh, that'll do it. , Sir."

"So, what happened Officer? Is my nephew going in jail?"

"To begin with, your nephew saved his friend from being sexually assaulted by a drunk guy in the bar called 143 by beating him up. The guy didn't file a complaint against your nephew, but your nephew's friend did. The guardian of the girl paid the fine for your nephew. I called to inform you of what your nephew was doing behind your back. The issue has been resolved sooner than I thought, so he can go home now. Thank you for your cooperation, sir."

"Oh, is that it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you officer!"

[Call ended]

"You can go home now..." Officer

"Can i stay here until morning? My dorm is close so i can't go back." Jaxon

"Yeah, you can. Just don't do something stupid. If you want some coffee the kitchen is over there, are you hungry?"

"Ah, no. I'm just gonna go on coffee."

"Kids these days are though, hey kid. Don't waste your handsome looks beating people like a gangster, okay? I can tell that you have a bright future ahead." Officer

"Yes sir, thank you.."

While Jaxon spent his night in the police station, little did he know Stell would call Kenzi to pick him up.


"Jaxon DeLavigne..." Kinze says.

"Oh, the kid over there...he's sleeping."

"Is he okay?" Kenzi asked.

"He wounded his hand beating a guy in the bar, but he's alright, he gets treated immediately."

"Thank you, Officer."

"May I know what your relationship is with him?"

"I'm his professor, this is my ID, which you can find at this university."

"Okay, you can get him now. He just closed his eyes thirty minutes ago.

"Thank you sir.."


Kenzi carried Jaxon to his car and called Stell right after he picked up Jaxon from the Police Station.

"Can you let him stay with you just tonight?" Stell asked.

"No.." Kenzi annoyingly replied.

"Just for tonight Ken, please?" Stell begged.

"I'm just going to rent a hotel room for this brat. Don't involve me with him ever again, understood?"

"You're so heartless, how can you leave a person who's wounded and drunk?"

"It's not my problem anymore, he's a grown ass man. He can take care of himself."

"Ugh, goddamn it. Open the fcking door and let me fucking go, you mother fvcker. What's wrong with you?!"

Jaxon comes back to his senses and heard the whole conversation of Kenzi and Stell.

"Is that Jaxon?!" Stell

"Fvck, who the hell told you to call this mother fvcking bastard? Did i ask him to come?! No, right?!"

"Jaxon, hold on...let me---"

"Damn it, don't contact me for a while Stell." Jaxon

"Hey, that's too much.." Kenzi

"Shut the fck up, you selfish bastard. Don't even try to talk to me."

"Are you going to spend the rest of the night in street?" Kenzi

"I'd rather sleep in the street than to be with you, fucker. You disgust me." Jaxon

"You'fe not going anywhere.." Kenzi

"Who are you to decide what i have to do or not? Are we even close?" Jaxon

"I promised to Stell that I will help you to-----"

"Cut that shit off, I don't care about your promise, just dropped me off over there and we're good."

"Jaxon, why are you so hard headed?!" Kenzi is getting annoyed.

"The hell you even care?!"

"Calm down, okay? Calm down. I ain't tryna pick a fight on you. Just calm yourself down."

Jaxon is shaking and sweating nonstop and he can't calm himself down because of what he feels towards Kenzi.

"Look at me Jaxon, breathe in...breath out. Another one, breath in...breath out. Have you calmed down now?"

Kenzi noticed how Jaxon's hands were shaking, so he wrapped his palms around Jaxon's hand to stop it from moving.

"Don't worry, you're good, you're good. Like that, breath it all out, after that close your eyes and have rest. Just like that, you're safe."

Jaxon fell asleep after Kenzi calmed him down. He's still fighting with himself over whether he should let Jaxon come home with him or just rent a hotel room where he can spend the rest of the night alone.

In the end, he choose to bring Jaxon to his house to make sure he's safe.

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