2 Project Rebirth

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The next day Bucky was off early and so was I.
I was planning on waiting a week, but since Bucky was called out so soon I decided to go now. I worked with a friend of mine, Peggy Carter we worked in this Project Rebirth program.


I stepped out into the bright sunlight, I had my heels and my uniform as I walked with Peggy over to the line of men.

"Recruits, attention!" Peggy ordered and the men quickly listened, "Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter and this is Agent Barnes, we supervise all operations for this division."

I looked over the recruits and saw someone that I was not expecting, Steve. I gave him a smile as he looked at me also not expecting me.

"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army." A man mocked.

"What's your name, Soldier?" Peggy asked.

"Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty." He introduced.

"Step forward, Hodge." Peggy ordered.

Hodge looked back at the other men in the line before stepping forward.

"Put your right foot forward." Peggy told him.

"Mmm... We gonna wrasse?" Hodge smiled as Peggy handed him a clipboard, "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like, and you friend too." He said nodding his head towards me.

Without much warning Peggy brought her first to his face knocking him off his feet.

"Agent Carter! Agent Barnes!" I heard Colonel Phillips call.

    "Colonel Phillips." Peggy and I both said turning around.

   "I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good!" Phillips complimented as he walked over, "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention till somebody comes tells you what to do." He said to Hodge.

    "Yes, Sir!" Hodge said as he quickly stood up.

    "General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. We are going to win this war, because we have the best men." Phillips paused slightly at the sight of Steve, "And because they are going to get better. Much better." I gave Steve an encouraging smile.


"The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history. But if it only stays with one man. He will be the first in the new breed of Super-Soldier. And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell."


The next day and the days after that I watched Steve carefully. The other men often laughed and made fun of Steve but I thought he was the best, always no matter what was thrown at him he kept going.


"Pick up the pace, ladies! Let's go, let's go! Double time! Come on! Faster! Faster!" An Officer yelled as the men ran, Peggy and I were going over things in the truck, "Move! Move! Squad, halt!"

We turned round to see the men come to a halt arriving at the flag pole. I found Steve a little bit behind the rest catching his breath

    "That flag means we're only at the halfway point." The Officer pointed up, "First man to bring it to me, gets a ride back with Agent Carter and Agent Barnes. Move, move!"
I watched the men eagerly run to the tall white metal pole. I didn't have much hope for Steve if he ever got a try, I also didn't expect the other men to get the flag either.
The men fought for the pole but when one started to climb another pulled them down.

    "Come on! Get up there! If that's all you got, this army's in trouble!" The Officer yelled, "Get up there, Hodge! Come on! Get up there!"

I watched as Hodge climbed up the pole making it higher than any of the other men but he soon came sliding back down. And the others swarmed the pole again.

    "Nobody's got that flag in 17 years!" The Officer yelled watching their failure, "Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in! Let's go! Get back into formation!"

The men ran from the pole but the little figure of Steve caught my eye as he walked up to the pole. He looked at how high it was.

    "Rogers! I said fall in!" The Officer yelled at him.

Steve took out two metal pieces from the base and the pole came crashing down. Steve tossed away the metal and walked over to the flag that now lay on the ground. He picked up the flag and handed it to the Officer.

    "Thank you, Sir." Steve said as he climbed in the back of the truck.

I smile at him as the truck drives off leaving the others behind.


    "Faster, ladies! Come on." Peggy said as the men did pushups.

    "My Grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul." I tell them.

I look at Steve in the back with sadness as he struggles to finish a single one but never gave up.

    "Move it!" Peggy yelled.

    "Up!" I ordered and they all quickly stood to attention, "Jumping Jacks!"

    "Come on, girls." Peggy said.

I stood beside Peggy and watched the men.

I heard a shout. "GRENADE!"
I watched little green grenade land in the centre of the men.

    "Move, move!" Hodge yelled as every single big strong man ran for cover, except Steve. I and Peggy were running forward ourselves to stop the grenade but both stopped when Steve bolted forward throwing his tiny body on the grenade

    "Get away!" Steve yelled, "GET BACK!"

I stare at him awaiting the explosion but thankfully nothing happened. Steve sat up and looked around.

    "It was a dummy grenade." An Officer said in the distance, of course it was.

    "Is this a test?" Steve panted.

I smile at him and I also caught Peggy smiling as well.


The next day I was overjoyed to hear that Steve was the one that was picked and tomorrow would be the day.

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