61 Steve Had A Plan

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Bucky and Sam sat directly across from each other, on the plane.

   "One minute to drop off, Sam." A young guy, Torres came down and told him.

I looked back and forth in between Bucky and Sam as the kept staring. Sam got up and Bucky got up directly after.

   "So what's our plan?" I asked as Bucky walked back.
Sam just looked at us not saying a word.

    "Great. So no plan." Bucky sat down.

    "Thirty seconds!" Torres called.

    "Enjoy your ride, Buck, (Y/n)." Sam told us.

    "No, you can't call me that." Bucky said.

      "Why not? that's what Steve called you." Sam wondered.

    "Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan." Bucky told him.

    "Fifteen seconds to drop." Torres called.

    "I have a plan." Sam walked over to the exit on the side of the plane.

    "Really?" Bucky stood up walking over to him. I got up and followed. "What is it?" Sam just jumped out. "Great. "

     "Where's the chute?" I asked looking around.

     "We're at 200 feet. It's to low for a chute." Torres told us.

   "I don't need it anyway." Bucky walked up to the exit.

    "You sure about that?" Torres asked.

    "Yeah." Bucky nodded slightly nervous, he ripped off the left sleeve of his jacket then turned to me giving me a look telling me to stay.

    "You can't stop me." I smile.

    "I know." He gave me a kiss before jumping off.

     "Are you sure?" Torres questioned me.

"I've jumped from a plane what being shot at by Nazi's, I'll be fine." I smile at Torres and jump off right after Bucky falling quickly towards the trees.

I focus and am able to slow myself down and land on my feet, I can't fly but I can fall safer. I find Bucky laying on the ground.

    "I have all of that on camera. You know that, right?" Sam told us over the radio. Redwing flies over top of us.

    "Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it." Bucky groaned.
I helped him up.

"Are you hurt?" I ask.

"No, just a rough landing." Bucky told me.

    "Okay head north." Sam told us.

We ran through the woods, following Redwing, making it to an abandoned factory building. We walked inside. Bucky swung for Redwing, but red wing moved out the way.

    "Oh-ho-ho. Don't hurt him." Sam said.

We walked a bit more before we found him.

    "You're doing the staring thing again." Sam noticed. "They're in there."

   "Where's the guy?" Bucky asked as we watched on Sam's wrist showing guys taking out crates.

    "I don't know." Sam said. "I think they are smuggling weapons, though."

    "Well, I think you could be right." Bucky told us. "But there's only one way to find out. I see a clear path. I say we take it."

Sam stopped Bucky. "We're not assassins."

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