30 Back Together

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The Avengers were back together, the seven of us were all fighting through a snowy forest while being attacked by people who HYDRA, though our main goal was to find Loki's scepter which went missing.
I road on my motorcycle beside Steve who was on his. Gunfire was coming from all over and the men flew through the trees with some technology as Steve used his Shield as we fought.

"Shit!" Tony said over the radio.

"Language!" Steve told him. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." JARVIS explained.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last." Thor said.

"'At long last' is a lasting a little long, boys." I heard Nat.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said.

"We lost that long ago." I say jumping off my bike letting it crash and explode into a tank as Steve rode on.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?" Tony said.
I run forward taking out many of the men.

"I know." Steve groaned. "Just slipped out."

I soon found Steve fighting on foot as well far off in the distance. We were close to winning when I felt something was wrong, I turned to Steve just as I shot someone. In the blink of an eye Steve was knocked up in the air by someone. I knew what ever hit Steve would hit me I also knew Steve hadn't seen me yet. I held up one hand and continued to shoot with the other. In a matter of two seconds something collided with my Shield.
I looked down to see a boy who looked to be about 26, he had light blonde hair as he looked at me in confusion and surprise then again I probably had the exact same expression. It didn't take him long before he stood up and ran off instantly out of sight.
I quickly took down everything in that area before following Steve.

"We have an Enhanced in the field." Steve said as he ran.

"Clint's hit!" I heard Nat's voice say. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker? Thank you."

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve said.

"I'm closing in." Tony told us. "The drawbridge is down, people." Tony soon announced.

"The Enhanced?" I heard Thor ask.

"He's a blur." Steve answered just as I ran up to the two. "All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't."

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac." Nat told us over the radio.

"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better. You and Stark secure the scepter." Thor said.

"Copy that." Steve agreed.

"Looks like they're lining up." Thor smiled.

"Well, they're excited." Steve said as he held his Shield up and Thor hit it with his Hammer creating a loud noise, sending all the men and tanks flying.

"Find the scepter." Thor said as he flew away.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Tony said.

"That's not going away anytime soon." Steve sighed.


Soon Steve and I made it inside the large building.

"We're locked down out here." Nat said.

"Then get to Banner. Time for a lullaby." Steve said.

We ran through the mainly empty building.
Steve kicked as man forward knocking him out before walking out of the hall to meet a bald man with a molecule.

"Baron Strucker." Steve greeted. "HYDRA's number one thug."
We walk closer to him I standing a little behind Steve.

    "Technically, I'm a thug thug for S.H.I.E.L.D." Strucker said as we walked around each other making our backs facing the the stairs.

    "Well, then technically you're unemployed." I smiled.

   "Where's Loki's scepter?" Steve asked.

    "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat." Strucker sighed. "You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

    "I'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation'." Steve said.

    "How many are there?" I asked.
Without giving me much time to think I watch as Steve is thrown down the stairs with magic by a red haired girl.
She turns to me but I hold up my arm protecting myself.
Strucker and the girl looked at my confused but at the sound of Steve the girl looked away and quickly left slamming the doors.

   "We have a second Enhanced. Female. Do not engage." Steve says as he runs back up the stairs.

    "You'll have to be faster than..." Strucker started but Steve kicked up his Shield hitting Strucker in the face and he hit the wall motionless.

    "Guys, we got Strucker." Steve said.

     "Yeah, I got something bigger." Tony said.


We quickly flew back to Stark Tower or now the Avengers Tower.

    "Thor, reported on the Hulk." Nat called.

   "The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims. But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." Thor quickly tried to fix.

    "Hey, Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked.

    "Uh, yeah, she knows her way around." Banner said.

    "Thanks. Tell her to prep everything. Barton's gonna need the full treatment." Tony mumbled to JARVIS.


    "Feels good, yeah?" Tony said as we looked at the scepter. "I mean, you've been after this thing since S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."

   "No, but this... This brings it to a close." Thor smiled.

   "As soon as we find out what else this has been used for." Steve said. " I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"

    "Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?" Tony checked. "Just a few days till the farewell party. You're staying, right?"

    "Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Thor said.

    "Yeah, who doesn't love revels? Captain? Barnes?" Tony asked.

    "Hopefully this will put an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA." I say.

   "So, yes, revels." Steve said.

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