4 Chase

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Peggy pulled out her gun firing two shots at the escaping Man but he just barely dodged them.

Steve ran over to Doctor Erskine as I and Peggy ran after the Man as quickly as we could, in heels.

We ran out onto the street just as our car sped by. Running out onto the road and Peggy took out her gun aiming it at the driver but just before she could shoot a car behind us exploded.
I took out my own gun and aimed it at the now far away car with one bang the bullet shot through the air and landed in the drivers head causing the car to crash to the side.

A yellow taxi came speeding back as Peggy stood confidently in the middle of the road holding her gun. I myself not planning on dying today, stood off to the side. I hoped the car would stop or turn but it did not and kept on speeding aiming for Peggy as she fired her gun. Even if she were to kill the Man the car wouldn't stop and she wouldn't live.

    "PEGGY!" I screamed desperately as the taxi got closer with no sign of slowing down I was about to run out to push her out of the way.

Suddenly Steve came running out pulling Peggy down and out of the way just in time.

    "I had him!" Peggy angrily yelled as I ran over to them hating heels so much.

    "Sorry!" Steve apologized as he got up and started running after the taxi.

I ripped off both my heels and threw them to the ground before I ran barefoot after Steve and the taxi.

Steve was incredibly fast, I took a couple short cuts before I met up with him coming out of an alley.
I ran quickly as I could but slowly picked up speed as we chased the taxi. I was able to keep up decently but I was still a couple feet behind Steve.

     "Steve?!" I yelled as he started running straight for another car.

He looked back at me and slowed down slightly and I sped up so he could grab my hand. He pulled me with him as he stepped up on a car not slowing down he started jumping from one to another with me. The only way I was able to keep up was because he was holding me. When we reached a truck Steve stopped and picked me up tossing me on the roof of the taxi. I nearly slipped off but Steve threw himself into the taxi next and grabbed me in time pulling me close beside him as the taxi began swerve attempting to shake us off.

     "Are you trying to kill me! I'm still a normal human! ....And don't you dare let go of me!" I yell at Steve as he held me under his arm so he could grip onto the sides of the taxi and I grabbed onto the 'taxi' sign.

      "I wasn't planning on it, and Bucky would kill me if I did!" Steve yelled back.

    "Remind me why I decided to follow you?" I ask.

   "I don't know!" Steve yelled.

The taxi sharply turned down an alley almost throwing us off as it turned again driving beside the river.

There was a bang and I was almost pushed off the roof as a bullet came through the roof. Another one came between my shoulder and neck and another was by Steve's hand causing us to slide to the side of the taxi. The Man shot at Steve but luckily missed him as I hung on for my life beside him. The taxi sped into another car a result of the Man not watching the road. The taxi began to flip, Steve grabbed me wrapping his arms around me as we fell back away from the taxi. The two of us were thrown to the street. As soon as we came to a stop Steve let me go and got up completely unharmed. I sat up catching my breath.
The Man jumped from the taxi and fired one shot at us before shooting one at a crowd of people. Steve picked up a yellow door that fell off of the taxi and used it as a shield from the bullets.

I watch as the Man ripped a little boy away from his Mother.
I pushed myself off the ground gathering my strength and ran forward as Steve threw down the door following the Man.

"Get back!" The Man yelled as he held the squirming boy in one arm and kept his gun pointed at Steve.

"Let me go!" The boy yelled as the Man ran off.

We took cover behind a building as the gun sounded.

"Remind... me to.. never run after you again." I panted.

"LET GO OF MY SON!" The Mother screamed. "DON'T HURT HIM!"

We ran from the building following where the Man went. Turning a corner we found the Man holding the gun to the boy's head.

"Wait, don't! Don't!" Steve pleaded.

"Please just leave the kid alone." I begged.

The Man aimed the gun at Steve and pulled the trigger but nothing happened, the gun was empty.

"No! Don't!" Steve yelled as the Man tossed the boy over the ledge. I quickly pulled out my gun shooting the Man in the leg before we ran over to find the kid safe in the water.

"Go get him! I can swim!" The boy told us.

Steve ran quickly as I trailed behind him as I spotted a black jet like submarine in the water. I came to a stop as Steve dived in.

I walked along catching my breath hoping Steve would come back.
I stopped when the Man was thrown out of the water soon followed by Steve climbing up the latter.
The Man tried to get up but Steve kicked him knocking him down. I stand beside Steve pointing my gun at the Man. Steve went over and held the Man by his jacket.

"Who the hell are you you?" Steve yelled.

"The first of many." The Man answered. "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." His mouth started foaming up, "Hail HYDRA." Then he went limp.

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