75 End Of That

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I look around to see Bucky holding a metal beam that he just took from a Flag Smasher and knocked the guy away. He dropped the beam and ran over to me.

"Are you hurt?" Bucky asked me worried as I sat up.

"No, just, falling doesn't feel the best." I tell him as he helps me up.
We hear a noise above us and look up to see the other armoured truck, that still had people in it, was hanging over the edge.

The fake homemade Captain America Shield fell down as the truck ever so slightly was pulled back.
It wasn't long until three people fell down, one of them was John and the truck began lean over.
I hold my hands up holding the truck in place.

"Sam I could use some help." I call on the radio. I don't wanna risk throwing the truck back up because I don't know if there are any civilians in the way.

In a couple seconds Sam flew over with the Shield on his back in his new wings. He caught the front of the truck. Bucky pulled me out of the way as we watched Sam, with the help of Redwing and jets and me the truck was pushed up to safety.

I look as something shots through the air I turn to Bucky as he catches the metal pipe that Karli threw.
Just as she ran for us the Shield hit her back along with the other Flag Smashers that were down here before returning to Sam.

"You of all people bought into that bullshit?" Karli removed her mask looking at Sam.

"I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same." Sam told her.

There was an explosion as smoke booms were being shot down filling the area with smoke blocking our view.

"This way." Sam said and we followed after him.


We ran through the halls of the unfinished building.

"Hey, Sharon. We're underground. We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south." Bucky informed her.

"Looks like they split up. Here." Sam told us.

Before we could do anything John ran off, following one of the paths.

"I got it." Bucky said following him.

Sam and I continued running straight.

"(Y/n), if we do find Karli let me handle her." Sam told me.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"I wanna try and talk." Sam said.

"Good luck." I tell him. "I'll only intervene if you are about to die."

"Thanks." Sam told me.

We hear two loud gunshots and run towards them.
We run round the corner into a room. Karli was standing up pointing a gun at someone on the floor, we pass through some construction materials and see Sharon holding her stomach in pain on the ground below Karli.

"Sam, (Y/n), stay back." Karli told us.

"So, what's next, huh?" Sam wondered as we stopped. "You killed ten this time, then, what, a hundred? Where does it end? Please, let me help you."

"Don't try and manipulate me." Karli held the gun ready to shoot Sharon.

"Karli, don't!" Sharon yelled.
Sam ran forward knocking Karli down.

I ran up to Sharon letting Sam have Karli as he asked.

"I'm fine." Sharon insisted.

"Shut up and let me help you." I tell her, as I look at her wound.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now