49 I Have Lost

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I look over as Wanda jumps on the field, picking up the saws and throwing them down at the charging Aliens.

I duck as an Alien jumps over me

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here." We hear Sam on the radio.

"SOMEBODY GET TO VISION!" Steve shouted.

"I got him!" Banner said.

"On my way." Wanda grunted.

"Guys! Vision needs backup, NOW!" Banner yelled.

Another of the saw's head towards me, I throw it in the air before I explode it. I look around and spot Bucky in the distance. I run over taking out a knife and stabbing an Alien jumping for Bucky in the head.

"Doll." Bucky smiled pulling me in for a quick hug before he shot an Alien behind me.

"Bucky! We need to get to Vision." I yell as we stand back to back Bucky shooting and I using my powers.

He grabbed my hand and we ran fighting through some Aliens together before getting past and just running.

We make it into the forest and the wind howled.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." We hear Steve.

"What is going on?" I muttered looking up.

"Cap. That's him." Banner said.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve told us.

We walk a little further and see the giant purple Alien, Thanos

I run towards the giant purple Alien, Thanos. Just with the Stones in his golden gauntlet he knocked Bucky down, Stopped Okoye's spear, and flung her through the air then caused the ground to shoot up and trap Nat.
I try to keep him in place it worked, for only a couple seconds before he pushed me back, but I stayed on my feet. Steve ran up, sliding under his fist and punching Thanos in the face. The first couple punches were successful.
Thanos reached for Steve with the hand that had the gauntlet. Amazingly, Steve was able to hold back Thanos's hand. He yelled as Thanos tried to push forward but was prevented by Steve. Thanos dropped his hand. Thanos then took his other hand punching Steve across the face.
I ran forward punching Thanos in the back of his head but it harmed him little. He turned around, his fist hit my cheek and I hit the ground.

I push myself off the ground my head aching a bit as I got to my feet. Some thing was felt seriously wrong.

"What'd you do?" I hear Thor yell. I walk over one hand on my head, I see Thor's Ax in Thanos's chest but the sudden Thanos disappeared into a portal and the Ax fell.

"Where'd he go?" Steve asked panting as he walked up beside me holding his side. "Thor? Where'd he go?"

"Thor? What did he do?" I asked knowing something was wrong."Thor?"

    "(Y/n)?" I hear Bucky call I turn around to see his hand turning to dust. He steps forward and collapses, his gun clattering to the ground as only dust is left.

    "No." I cry running over to the dust. "No, no, no! Bucky!" My legs crumbled and my knees hit the dirt. "Bucky. Come back!" I beg.

I feel a hand on my back, I turn around to see Steve. I fall into him crying into his chest as he holds me close.

He gently helps to pull me up. He keeps his arm around my shoulder as we walk through the forest and find Visions grey body laying face down.
Steve lets me go and walks over to the body. He knelt down and gently flipped Vision over just as Bat ran over. There was a hole in Vision's forehead where the stone was before, but is now gone. Steve falls back defeated.

    "What is this?" Rhodey asked confused. "What the hell is happening?"

Steve breathed letting the reality of this situation, of everything to sink in. And so did I my breath was uneven I couldn't except it, I can except that he is gone. I lost him once and then I found out he was at HYDRA the whole time I was there, and I just got him back, for the two years since we fought Tony he was at Wakanda getting the stuff that HYDRA put in his head out and when I could see him it was never long enough.

   "Oh, God." Steve finally said.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now