56 Back In Time

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    "Well, what are we gonna do now?" Steve wondered.

"You know what? Give me a break, Steve. I just got hit in the head with the Hulk." Tony groaned.

"You said that we had one shot." Scott scoffed. " this was our shot. We shot it. It's a shot. It was six Stones or nothing. Six Stones or nothing."

"You're repeating yourself. You know that? You're repeating yourself." Tony informed him.

"You're repeating yourself. You're repeating yourself." Scott spat at Tony.

"Dude. Come on!" Tony said.

"No. You never wanted a time heist. You weren't on board with the time heist. You ruined the time heist." Scott yelled.

"Is that what I did?" Tony asked.

"Yeah." Scott said.

"Are there any other options with the Tesseract?" Steve asked.

"No, no, no, there's no other options." Scott stressed." There's no do-overs. We're not going anywhere else. We have one particle left. Each. That's it. All right? We use that... bye-bye, you're not going home."

"Yeah, well, if we don't try... then no one else is going home, either." Steve reminded us.

"I got it." Tony got out of the car. "There's another way to retake the Tesseract, and acquired new particles. little stroll down memory lane." Tony walked up to me and Steve. "Military installation, Garden Sate."

"Maybe." I remember.

"But when were they both there?" Steve asked.

"They were there at a time... I have a vaguely exact idea." Tony explained.

"How vague?" Steve asked.

"What are you talking about? Where are we going?" Scott asked confuse.

"I know for a fact they were there." Tony confirms.

"Who's they? What are we doing?" Scott wondered.

"And I know how I know." Tony said.

"Guys, what is it?" Scott asked.

"Looks like we're improvising." Steve agreed.

"Great." Tony I said .

"What are we improvising?" Scott asked as Steve handed him the scepter.

"Scott, get this back to the compound." Steve told him.

"Suit up." Tony said.

"What's in New Jersey?" Scott asked.

"0-4." Tony started and Steve and I put in the numbers on the GPS. "Uh, 0-7 -1-9-7-0."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Cap, Captain? Steve? Sorry." Scott called. " America. Rogers. Look, if you do this... end it doesn't work, you're are not coming back."

"Thanks for the pep talk, pissant." Tony turned to Steve and me. "You two trust me?"

"I do." Steve nodded and Tony looked at me.

"Me too." I say.

"Your call." Tony looked back to Steve.

"Here we go." Steve said, and we pressed the GPS is and we were gone.


Steve is in an army uniform with a hat and sunglasses and I was a skirt and shit with heels.

    "Clearly you weren't actually born here, right?" Tony asked Steve as we walked.

    "The idea of him was." I told him.

    "Right. well, imagine you're S.H.I.E.L.D... running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization... where do you hide it?" Tony asked.

    "In plain sight." Steve answered nodding towards the weapons bunker.

We walked over and got in the elevator. A lady already was in there.
Tony stepped forward to block her view of Steve and I. The elevator bell ding.

    "Good luck on your mission, Captain." Tony told Steve.

   "Good luck on your project, Doctor." Steve said to Tony as he walked out.

    "You two new here?" The lady asked us is the doors shut.

   "Not exactly." Steve told her.

     "No, but I don't think we've met." I smile.

She gave me a smile in return and said nothing.


   "Doctor Pym?" Steve said on the phone. "This is Captain Stevens from the shipping. We have a package for you. Well, that's the thing, Sir, we can't. Well, it's just... Sir, the fox is glowing... and to be honest some of our mail guys aren't feeling that great. Uh, yeah, they did. You better get down here."

We watch as Pym quickly runs through the halls, pushing people out of the way. Steve and I get in his office. It was full of cabinets and boxes and stuff for science. In the back, I spotted the particles.

   "Steve." I tapped his shoulder and we walk over.
Carefully Steve took out four of the particles.

Steve and I walk back through the hall.

   "And you've never seen these two men and one woman before." We hear a man say. In front of us was the woman from the elevator with two Officers with her.

   "No, I've got an eye for this. The two of them looked fishy, and the girl was with definitely with them." The lady said.

   "Can you describe them?" An Officer asked.

   "One of them had a hippie beard." She described talking about Stark.

    "Hippie. Like. Bee Gees or Mungo Jerry?" The officer asked.

   "Definitely Mungo Jerry." The lady said, and Steve and I walked into the closest door to us.

    "You should have just said yes when she asked you if you were new." I whispered to Steve.

    "They are also looking for you." Steve told me.

    "Yeah, but they didn't call me suspicious, she said that you two were suspicious and that I was just definitely with you." I say and look at Steve but he was distracted by something. I follow his gaze and see a picture on the desk. There was a skinny man on, Steve. We both looked at the door to read the name, and it said. 'Margaret Carter Director.'

    "I said, bring them in." I heard Peggy's voice. Steve and I look through the window. And see Peggy on the other side arguing with a man.

    "They're trying, ma'am, but Braddock's unit has been stopped by lightning strikes." The man told Peggy.

   "Oh, for the love of... I'll look at the weather projections." Peggy sighed.
Steve slowly walked towards the glass, and I followed behind him, watching Peggy. She was much, much younger than last time we saw her, but older than the last time I saw her in the 40s.

   "Come on Steve." I grabbed his hand and gently pull him back after we were looking through the window for a while.


Steve and I find Tony talking to his father. We give him a thumbs up from afar telling him that we're good to go.  I smile as Tony gives him a hug before leaving.

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