11 The End Of Us

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"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse. He thinks he's a God, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."Colonel Philips explained.

    "Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic. He will wipe out the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour." Howard Stark said.

    "How much time we got?" Jones asked.

    "According to my new best friend, under 24 hours." Colonel said.

    "Where is he now?" A man asked.

     "HYDRA's last base is here." Colonel said pointing to a picture. "In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Jim asked. "I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door."

"Why not?" Steve said drawing all attention to him. "That's exactly what we're going to do."


I swung through the window shattering the glass with three others finding Steve being held by multiple HYDRA guards. We took out our guns shooting at them before they had enough time to react.

    "Red Skull went that way." I say running over to Steve.

    "Rogers! You might need this!" One of the men yelled throwing Steve his Shield.

     "Thanks!" Steve said catching the Shield before we ran off down the hallway after Schmidt.


After running for a while we caught close enough up to Schmidt to see him. I ran behind Steve as Schmidt shot at Steve always hitting the Shield.
Steve threw his Shield forward stopping the door that Schmidt ran through from shutting. Just as we ran forward a HYDRA Soldier came round to corner. Steve pulled me quickly to the side as the Soldier shot to flamethrowers.

There came the sound of gunfire, when we turned the corner we saw the HYDRA Soldier on the floor and Peggy standing with a gun with other American Soldiers behind her.

    "You're late." Steve said stepping closer to her.

    "Weren't we about to..." I stared.

    "Right." Steve remembered and we ran off.


We found Schmidt climbing up into a giant ship. We started to run after him but the ship started to move. Steve was fast but he wasn't faster than a plane. We ran forward towards the HYDRA Soldiers hoping we could stop the plane from leaving.
I ran with Steve trying my best to keep up with him as we got closer to the speeding up ship.
Just as we came to a stop a car pulled up beside us.

    "Get in!" Colonel yelled.

I hoped in the back beside Peggy as Steve sat beside the Colonel. Pressing his foot on the petals we shot forward as fast as this car could go which was remarkable fast, faster than any other car.

Steve stood up ready to jump so did I.

    "Keep it steady!" Steve ordered.

    "Wait!" Peggy yelled and they went in for a long delayed kiss. "Go get him."

    "I'm not kissing you!" The Colonel yelled.

    "(Y/n), you're not coming, not this time!" Steve yelled as we were under the plane.

     "What! No, I'm coming with you!" I yell.

     "(Y/n)!" He yelled and I sat back down as we were now outside. 

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now