21 Suprise Guest

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I heard the familiar music playing but I knew for a fact we didn't leave it on, meaning someone else did.
Instead of using the front door we went around and climbed in through the window entering the dark kitchen hearing no music. But the moment it starts up again Steve grabbed his Shield getting ready to jump out from behind the wall. I watched as he looked around the corner but then relaxed and walked out when I stepped out I noticed why but that didn't make any mark sense. There in the arm chair by the radio was Fury.

    "I don't remember giving you a key." Steve says.

    "You really think I'd need one?" Fury said as he grunted in pain. "My Wife kicked me out."

"I didn't know you were married." Steve said.

"A lot of things you both don't know about me." Fury said.

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." Steve said walking and turning on the light beside Fury.

The dim light revealed some cuts on his face. Without saying anything Fury turned the light off hiding him back in the darkness. We walked close as he typed something on his phone and turned it toward us.


"I'm sorry to do this, but I had no place else to crash." Fury told us.


"Who else knows about your Wife?" I ask understanding what Fury wants.

'YOU AND ME' He wrote standing up. "Just. My friends." He said.

"Is that what we are?" Steve asked.

"That's up to you." Fury said before there was as loud bang. "Ahhh!" He yelled in pain collapsing to the floor.

Steve and I instantly ran over as he started dragging Fury behind the corner. I looked at the window and spotted the light reflecting off of someone, someone who was staring directly at us through the window. I quickly moved to the wall with Steve.

"Don't trust anyone." Fury warned, handing Steve a flash drive.

Doors loudly slammed open, Steve and I got up getting ready for a fight but we calmed down at Kate's voice, "Captain Rogers? (Y/n)?" She called but then her voice changed to a more serious tone as she made her towards us keeping her back pressed against the walls avoiding being a clear shot to anyone who may be outside waiting for us to move out from behind the wall, "Captain, Barnes, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Service."

"Kate?" Steve said surprised.

"I'm assigned to protect you." Kate said stopping in front of us.

"On whose order?" I asked.

"His." Kate gasped as she saw Fury. She rushed down to him checking his pulse. "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs." Kate said to her radio.

   "Do we have a 20 on the shooter?" The man on the other side of the radio asked.

    "Tell him we're in pursuit." Steve said.

He ran forward crashing through his window and landing in the building on the other side of the road. Easily I followed him as we ran after the man above us. Steve lead the way smashing through windows and breaking down doors not slowing down as we made our way through the halls. Steve crashed into the wall on a turn making a hole. I quickly ran past him as I watched the man jump down past the window at the end of the hall.
I jumped through the window, shattering the glass leaving tiny cuts that quickly healed as I landed on the roof with Steve behind me. Steve threw his Shield forward at the man who was about to run off. There was a loud clang as the man caught the Shield with one hand, one metal hand, one metal arm with a red star at the shoulder. I knew him, more or less I've seen him before, he was the Winter Soldier.


He was sent to stop me and the other two men I was with from escaping HYDRA. The two men were quite young and had only been there for about five years, I often trained with them and grew a little close to them, not romantically but like a Sister, not as close as I was to Steve but still close.
Without hesitation the Winter Soldier shot and killed the other two men as we tried to escape, but I wasn't going down so easily.
For a moment our eyes met even though he was wearing goggles and I couldn't see his face I knew he was looking straight back and for a moment I felt like I knew him but I couldn't remember from where. I felt a single tear rolling down my cheeks as we stood there. I was shaken out of whatever I was in when I fell a pain in my left shoulder, closer to my heart. I stumbled back in pain as he got ready to shoot again but just in time I redirected his gun, it still hit my leg but didn't kill me. Before he could realize I slammed his gun hard into his face as I ran out into the night. Never stopping until the sun went down the next day.

Something always troubled me about that, I could never understand how I lived. I could have easily escaped if I stayed focused but I got distracted and stood there still. I was a clear open shot, easy kill and yet he missed, something I knew the Winter Soldier never did, he always killed his target, without fail, but yet something stopped him from killing me.


His cold blue eyes locked with mine as he held the Shield. With one movement swung it back at Steve pushing Steve back as he caught it.
I brought myself out of my thoughts and back to the present. I quickly ran forward after the Winter Soldier, watching as he jumped off the edge of the roof.
But as I reached the edge of the roof with Steve, we looked below he was no where to be seen, completely gone.

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