10 He's Gone

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We now stood on a snowy cliff in the mountains ready to zip line down onto a HYDRA train that would be passing any minute now.
Two of the men listed to the radio frequencies trying to figure out when the train was coming.

"Remember when We made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky said to Steve.

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve said.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky asked.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve smiled.

"We were right. Dr. Zola's on the train." One of the men named Jones said as he listened to the radio. "HYDRA dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going they must need him bad."
Steve put on his helmet and walked over to the zip line.

"Let's get going because they're moving like the devil." One of the men said.

"We only got about a 10-second window. You miss that window we're bugs on a windshield." Steve said getting ready to push off.

"Mind the gap." The man said.

"Better get moving, bugs!" Timothy told us.

Steve pushed off and Bucky followed quickly behind him without waiting for too long I went next with Jones coming behind me. I watched as the train quickly started to pass.

Just as we became close enough we jumped all four successfully landing on the black train.

Carefully we ran forward climbing down a ladder and entering the train. Steve, Bucky and I went in the compartment shutting the door behind us leaving Jones to keep a watch up top.
We walked to the end of the compartment Steve walked through into the next one. But the moment he made it across a door slid shut separating us from him. We didn't have long to think when we heard someone enter. Bucky turned around quickly firing at our visitor.
We hid behind some boxes and Bucky reloaded. Bullet pelted the metal wall barely missing us.
As soon as Bucky reloaded he went back shooting at the attacker. I fired shots from my own gun not sure how many hit it's target.
There was a sharp pain in my arm and I stumbled back letting out a scream.

     "Doll!" Bucky called looking back at me.

     "I'm... fine it just hit the side of my arm." I breathed.

Bucky was forced to bring his focus back to the man shouting at us.
I took a deep breath and ripped off some fabric tightly wrapping it around my left arm.
Bucky sat back against the wall across from me looking me in the eyes.
We turned our attention to the door as it slid open, Steve gave a nod before he came running through shoving a large box on the man.

    "I had him on the ropes." Bucky claimed standing up.

    "I know you did." Steve smiled.

Bucky turned his attention back to me as I stood up.

     "Are you alright?" Bucky asked worried as he walked over.

     "Yeah, don't worry, it's not that bad. I'm still alive." I said giving him a quick kiss.

     "GET DOWN!" Steve then yelled pushing us back as he was hit with a strong blast throwing Steve back. Luckily it was deflected by the Shield but that caused a giant hole to be blown in the side of the compartment. Bucky grabbed Steve's Shield, holding it up as he walked forward shooting at the man, well I think it was more of a robot.
Another blast was shot now at Bucky causing him to be thrown back outside of the train.

     "BUCKY!" I screamed and ran to him.

Fuelled by rage I picked up the Shield throwing at the man causing him to fall back. It bounced back and Steve caught it throwing it harder at the man before he ran over to the hole. I saw Bucky holding onto a bar for his life.

    "Bucky!" Steve yelled as he started to climb out. "Hang on!"
I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as Bucky reached out to Steve.

    "Grab my hand!" Steve yelled stretching out his hand. I watched Bucky desperately reach out but just as there fingers could have touched the bar Bucky was holding onto fell.

     "No!" Steve yelled as Bucky fell.

      "NO!" I scream my voice full of pain as I watch my Husband fall, plummeting to the ground far below, a fall that no human could survive.
I fell to my knees broken just staring down the cliff not looking away as tears rolled down my cheeks. "No." I gasped.

Steve climbed off the side and stayed beside me as I cried into him.


I learned that they captured Dr. Arnim Zola, alive, but I didn't care. I sat beside Steve in the rubble of a previous destroyed building.

"Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area. Please wait for the all-clear. Your attention, please. All citizens shall remain indoors until further notice. Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area." A radio spoke in the distance.

"Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles, it would affect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means I can't get drunk. Did you know that?" Steve explained as Peggy walked over to us. I on the other hand could but no matter how much I drank it wouldn't stop hurting.

"Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person. He thought it could be one of the side effects." Peggy said sitting down in front of us. "It wasn't your fault. Ether of you."

"Did you read the report?" Steve asked.

"Yes." Peggy said.

"Then you know that's not true." Steve said.

"You did everything you could." Peggy comforted.

"If I did everything I could, my Husband would still be alive." I say picking up the bottle of liquor.

"(Y/n), Steve. Did you believe in your friend, your Husband? Did you respect him? There stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you both were worth it." Peggy told us.

"We're going after Schmidt. I'm not gonna stop until all of HYDRA is dead or captured." Steve said.

"You two won't be alone."

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now