22 Enemies

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Steve and I stood on the other side of the glass watching as Doctors and Nurses rushed to do all they could to save Fury.

"Is he gonna make it?" Nat asked as she ran to the window.

"I don't know." Steve mumbled.

"Tell me about the shooter." Nat said.

"He's fast. Strong." Steve described to Nat.

"Had a metal arm." I add as Agent Hill joins us.

"Ballistics?" Nat asked.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Complete untraceable." Hill explained.

"Soviet-made." Nat said.

"Yeah." Hill said.

"He's in V-tach." I male Nurse said on the other side of the glass.

"Crash cart coming in." A female Nurse said.

"Nurse, help me with the drapes." A Doctor asked.

"BP's dropping." A Nurse said.

"Defibrillator!" A Doctor called.

"I want you to charge him at 100." Another said.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." Nat whispered.

"Stand back. Three, two, one. Clear." His body jolted but nothing else happened.

"Pulse?" A Doctor asked.

"No pulse." A Nurse answered.

"Okay, 200, please." The Doctor said.

"Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" They did it again but Fury made no response.

"Get me epinephrine! Pulse?" The Doctor called.

"Negative." A Nurse answered.

"He's gone." I say as I step out into the hall.


I stand against the wall with Steve as Nat stands beside the motionless corpse of Fury, with a white sheet pulled up to his shoulders.

"I need to take him." Agent Hill said as she walked in the room.

I let Steve go and get Nat. She turned around and walked straight out of the room.

"Natasha!" Steve called.

She turned around holding tears back.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" She asked.

"I don't know." Steve sighed.

"Cap, they want you back at S.H.I.E.L.D." A man named Brock said.

    "Yeah, give me a second." Steve told him.

    "They want you now." Brock said making me already dislike him.

    "Okay." Steve agreed.

    "You're a terrible liar." Nat smiled as she left.

    "S.T.R.I.K.E. Team, escort Captain Rogers back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Immediately for questioning." The intercom said.


I walked with Steve towards Brock and the other men.

    "Let's go." Steve said.

   "Yeah." Brock said before he looked at me and grabbed my shoulder stopping me. "You're not authorized." He said.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now