27 The Winter Soldier

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"HYDRA doesn't like leaks." Jasper said as the four of us sat in a car. I sat squished between Jasper and Nat in the back as Steve and Sam were in the front with Sam driving.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here." Nat said leaning forward.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve explained.

"What? Are you crazy?" Jasper asked. "That is a terrible, terrible idea." At that moment there was a loud thud on the roof of the car.
Only after a couple seconds an arm reached in the car through the window grabbing Jasper and throwing him outside in front a truck.
I watched the arm disappear from the window and soon followed a gunshot through the roof. Nat quickly moved out of the way crawling onto Steve. As more bullets were fired hitting Steve and Sam's seats.
I reached forward making the car come to a sudden stop causing the man to roll off. I watched as he stuck his metal arm into the road slowing himself down before slowing standing up straight looking directly at us. The Winter Soldier, he had goggles on and a mask covering his face.
Nat pulled out her gun but before she could do anything we jolted forward by a truck ramming into us pushing us forward uncontrollably.
Just as we were about to hit the Winter Soldier he jumped flipping up and slamming onto the roof shattering the back window. I duck my head down as the glass shattered leaving little cuts on my hands.

When I looked up I saw a metal arm smash through the windshield and ripped the wheel straight out of Sam's hands and the car all together.

"Shit!" Sam screamed.

Nat grabbed her gun and started firing at the roof. I look behind to see the armoured truck close behind us as the Winter Soldier sat on the hood.
The truck hit us again but with us having no way to steer the car starts spinning out of control hitting the side almost rolling over.

"Hang on!" Steve yelled holding up his Shield and grabbing onto Nat and Sam. "(Y/n)!"
At the last minute I lung forward and am pulled tightly in by Sam and Steve as we fall on the door leaving the rest of the car to flip and crash. We slide across the road and Sam rolls off.
Soon we come to a stop and quickly get up as the truck stops a bit ahead of us.
I watch as another man leaves the truck handing the Winter Soldier a large gun.
Steve shoves Nat and me out of the way as the shot explodes launching Steve backwards and off the bridge to the street below.
Sam, Nat and I run behind cars as six other men shoot at us. Nat and I take out our own guns and fire back but our efforts do little. I watch as the car Nat hid behind exploded as she quickly ran through the other cars being pelted by bullets as another car explodes sending her over the bridge.
I carefully watched as they focused below where Nat and Steve were thrown waiting for the perfect time to shoot.
But before they could act the Winter Soldier ducked down and threw his goggles away. Before standing back up shooting below.

I watched as the Winter Soldier hopped over the edge and the other

I take a breath before stepping out from behind the car and seeing two men with guns pointed at me.
I held my arms in front of my face and closed my eyes as the men shot at me but after a couple minutes the shooting stopped. I opened my eyes and lower my arms to see the all the bullets laying only a few inches from my feet and confused scared faces.
With a light flick of my wrist the guns in both the men's hands explode leaving them dead.
I look around to see another man about to jump off the bridge but before I could do anything I see Sam easily punched him back taking the gun.

"Go I got this!" I heard Sam yell.

I knew Steve was there, I ran for the edge jumping off the bridge and landing on the ground below finding Steve running off.

"He's after Nat!" I yell as I catch up to Steve.


We run as fast as possible when we spot Nat sitting behind at car and the Winter Soldier about to shoot her.
Steve ran straight for him and I ran to Nat.
I watched as the Winter Soldier punched the Shield before kicking Steve back before shooting at him.

"Nat! Are you okay." I asked as I reach her.

"I'll be fine." She says as the sound of bullets interrupt the rest. "Go help Steve." She says.
I nod and run out from the car to see the Winter Soldier throw Steve's Shield at him and it gets deeply stuck in a van.
I run in front of the Winter Soldier as he pulls out a knife. I quickly blocked everything he threw at me until I looked in his blue eyes, they seemed familiar. Even though I was only distracted for a second that was all the Winter Soldier needed as I felt a sharp pain in my side and I stumbled back.

Steve wastes no time as he jumps forward. I press my hands to my side as I walk forward watching at the two fight. After a lot of Steve getting throwing into cars I watch as he grabs the Winter Soldier's mask and flips him over.
My mouth falls open and a tear rolls down my cheek as the Winter Soldier turns around revealing a face I never thought I'd see again but a face I would have given anything to see again.

"Bucky." I say stepping beside Steve.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" Bucky questioned confused aiming a gun at my head but before he could pull the trigger Sam/the Falcon kicked him back.

I couldn't move even when Bucky aimed at us again, he was stopped by Nat who shot a missive at the car by Bucky exploding it.
Sirens quickly circled us as we were surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'm going to kill Pierce." I muttered as my blood boils filled with anger at what Pierce has done.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now