7 Breaking In

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Steve and I quietly ran through the dark forest making our way to a road that lead to a gate.

Steve pulled me down as we heard a vehicle approaching. We watched trucks drive past until the last one. We looked at each other without saying a word we silently ran from the bushes and jumped into the back of the truck. When we got inside we were met with two HYDRA Soldiers wearing strange black helmets.

"Fellas." Steve said.

One went for Steve and the other for me easily I knocked mine out and we tossed their bodies out the back.

It wasn't long until the truck slowed down and came to a stop. I heard voices approaching us knowing we couldn't hide here for long.
Steve stepped in front of me just as a Soldier dressed the same as the ones that used to be in the truck lifted up the covering. Steve slammed his shield forward hitting the guy in the face causing him to fly backwards.
Steve jumped out and I followed him as he ran through the yard. Countless tanks were parked in rows providing us something to hide from the enemies eyes.
We found a tank against a wall using that we were able to run across the wall to the large prison like building, Steve helped me up the tank and the wall. He knew I was more than capable but we both knew that we had to be quick.

We stood in front of a closed door Steve looked at me making sure I was ready before he knocked.
A Soldier opened the door, making the mistake of sticking his head out. Before he could react Steve slammed the door on his head then punched him in the face. The Soldier dropped to the floor unconscious. We dragged his body back before entering the room quietly shutting the door behind us.
We were in a large room filled with what looked like bombs and missiles but none I've seen before. In this situation we used them to our advantage.
We stumbled upon a strange thing it had a blue glow and I could tell what it was meant to be but it probably wasn't anything good. Steve picked up something from the table and put it in his pocket before we continued to deeper into the camp.

We came to a very dark area. It was different from what we had seen the only light source was coming from many windows an most were broken. There was a single Soldier walking back and forth. Sneaking up behind him Steve easily knocked him out. I looked down too see bars and American men kept below. Steve grabbed the keys off the Soldier's body.

    "Who are you supposed to be?" One of the men asked.

    "I'm Captain America." Steve said.

    "I beg your pardon?" The man asked.

Steve and I made our way down some stairs into a room lined with cages full of men. One by one Steve unlocked them, I looked through all the prisoners with every face slowly killing my hope, after looking through everybody not a single one was Bucky.

    "What, are we talking everybody?" A man named Dugan asked Steve. "I'm from Fresno, Ace."

     "Bucky's not here." I tell Steve as I walk back over to him.

    "Is there anybody else?" Steve asked.

    "We're looking for a Sergeant James Barnes." I said.

    "There's an isolation ward in the factory, but no one's ever come back from it." A man wearing a black hat explained to us.

   "All right. The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give 'em hell. We'll meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else we find." Steve explained.

    "Wait. You know what you're doing?" A man asked.

    "Yeah. I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times." Steve said seriously.

     "And I've watched it...200 times." I say as we run off.


A loud blaring alarm sounded obviously we weren't a secret any more. And HYDRA Soldier that I saw I shot at with my gun never missing my target as Steve fought them off with mainly his Shield and super human strength.

I begin to realize something as we fought the Soldiers were leaving not because of us but something else I didn't know yet.

We came to a dark long hallway with a more green light coming from the rooms. Near the end of the hall a man came out of a room, at the sight of us he backed away and ran. Steve and I ran forward stopping in front of the doorway the man came from. We heard a groan from inside the room. Cautiously we entered the room. I put my gun away as my eyes landed on a man strapped to a table, I was both happy and terrified.

   "Sergeant. Three-two-five-five-seven." He spoke. Without a second thought I ran to my Husband with Steve behind me.

    "Bucky." I say looking at him feeling tears forming in my eyes not focusing on anything else in the room, "What have they done to you?" I put my hand on his cheek. He just stared up and passed me as if in a trance.

    "Oh, my God." Steve said rushing to rip off the bounds around his feet and arms.

    "Is that..." Bucky weakly mumbled turning his head to me his eyes not quite focused.

    "It's me. (Y/n), your Wife, and Steve." I say.

    "(Y/n)?" Bucky said with a smile.

     "Come on." Steve said as we pulled Bucky up and off the table.

    "Doll." Bucky repeated with a stronger voice, "How... how are you here."

    "Don't worry, we're here to get you out of here." I tell him. Bucky smiles and pulled me into a kiss. It felt like we hadn't done that in years.

     "I thought you were dead." Steve said as we turned to him, Bucky leaning on me for support.

    "I thought you were smaller." Bucky said looking up Steve.
There was a loud blast from inside the building and I understood why the HYDRA Soldiers were leaving.

    "Come on." Steve told us talking one of Bucky's arm's around his shoulder taking Bucky's arm off me as we left the room.

    "What happened to you?" Bucky asked.

    "I joined the Army." Steve told him as the doors shut more explosions sounded.

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