8 Red Skull

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    "Did it hurt?" Bucky asked Steve as he slightly limped no longer needing Steve for support.

    "A little." Steve told him.

"Is it permanent?" Bucky asked.

"So far." Steve smiled.


We ran out onto the ledge seeing only fire below blocking out escape. We ran up more stairs making to a bridge when we heard someone yell.

"Captain America! How exciting! I am a great fan of your films!" The man stepped on the bridge and so did Steve as I stayed back beside Bucky. "So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all." Two stepped closer to each other.

"You must be, Schmidt." I say.

     "Right you are Agent..."

     "Barnes." I finish for him.

"Not exactly an improvement, but still, impressive." Schmidt said to Steve.

Steve punched him hard across the face causing Schmidt to stumble back.
    "You've got no idea." Steve said.

Schmidt stood back up, underneath his eyes was some red, only it didn't look like blood.

    "Haven't I?" Schmidt pulled back his fist swinging for Steve. Luckily Steve pulled his shield up blocking the punch but the sound echoed through the air. Schmidt threw another punch knocking Steve backwards the ground. I was about to run out but felt a hand around my arm. I watched Schmidt walk over to Steve but Steve kicked Schmidt sending him backwards. A man on the other side pulled a lever and the bridge separated slowly moving Steve back to us.

    "No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!" Schmidt yelled he grabbed his neck and slowly peeled up his skin like a mask revealing his skin to be red and his head to be shaped exactly like a skull leaving nothing to identify what his face was originally.

    "You don't have one of those, do you?" Bucky asked Steve.

     "I don't think he does." I say.

    "You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple Soldier, but in reality, you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!" Schmidt said walking to a doorway.

    "Then how come you're running?" Steve asked as the doors shut.

"Come on, let's go. Up." Steve said running for the stairs.


Finally we came to the top, I saw across the room there was a door leading out but there was a large gap between us and it with a single support beam as our only way across.

"Let's go. One at a time." Steve said to Bucky.

"(Y/n), you're going first." Bucky said knowing that the beam wouldn't last long.

"No, you're the weakest at the moment. I'll be right behind you." I told him. "Hurry we don't have time to argue."

Bucky knew I was right and there was no use and not enough time to argue. Steve and I help Bucky over the railing and onto the beam.
As he started to carefully walk across the beam began to shake and the other side started to fall.

"Bucky!" I screamed as I watched in horror unable to help.
Just as Bucky reached the halfway point the beam started to squeak about to collapse. Bucky ran forward as the beam began to fall. I held my breath as he jumped just making it to the other side and grabbed the railing before climbing over.

"Gotta be a rope or something!" Bucky yelled looking back at us stuck with no way across.

    "Just go!" Steve shouted. "Get out of here!"

     "NO! Not without you both!" Bucky yelled back.

    "Hell." Steve breathed as he bent forward the railing bars. He backed up and I followed him not quite sure what he was thinking.

     "Hold on." Steve told me as he picked me up.

    "STEVE?" I yelled as he started to run forward. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying not to choke him as he jumped leaving the platform escaping the explosions behind us.

Just as we reached slightly half way Steve threw me forward and I landed in Bucky's arms breathing heavily.

    "Your okay, Doll. I got you." Bucky told me.

We looked back towards the railing just as Steve climbed up.

The three of us ran out of the burning building.


It was a long walk back but I walked in the front holding Bucky's hand as Steve lead the rest of the prisons back to camp. Some died during the escape but many lived.


The sun was high in the sky shining through the clouds as we reached the camp. Soldiers came running over and watched as we marched up the road toward them. The Soldiers cleared a path leading us through and coming up in the back were a couple tanks and trucks with weapons we collected.

    "Look who it is!" A Soldier yelled.

We were meant with clapping and cheering as more Soldiers ran over.
We came to a stop as Colonel Phillips stepped out and stood in front of Steve.

    "Some of these men need medical attention. I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action." Steve said.

     "So would I." I say.

    "That won't be necessary." Colonel said surprising me.

    "Yes, Sir." Steve smiled as the Colonel walked away Peggy stepped up.

    "You're late." Peggy said.

Steve took out the very broken box that Howard gave him on the plane.

    "I couldn't call our ride." Steve said.

     "HEY!" Bucky yelled. "Let's hear it for Captain America! And Agents Barnes!"

The crowd erupted into cheers congratulating us.

     "You did it." I smile at Steve.

    "What?" He looked at me confused.

     "Your dream." I smile before I go back to Bucky and pull him in for a long kiss.

WHAT I HIDE // Bucky x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now