23 Escape

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I step in the empty elevator with Steve.

    "Operations Control." Steve said.

     "Confirmed." The computer said shutting the doors.

     "Keep all S.T.R.I.K.E. Personnel on site." Brock said, stopping the elevator doors and stepping in with two other men. "Understood."

"Yes, Sir." Steve responded.

"Forensics." Brock said.

"Confirmed." The computer said.

"Cap." Brock spoke.

"Rumlow." Steve said turning around.

"Evidence Response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac team ready?" Brock asked.

"No, let's wait and see what it is first." Steve said keep his head up but he's eyes down.

"Right." Brock said.

The elevator soon came to a stop and

"What's the status so far?" One of the men said to someone.

"Administration level." Another man asked.

"Confirmed." The computer said.

Four more men piled into the now crowded elevator.

"Sorry about what happened with Fury. It's messed up, what happened to him." Brock apologized.

"Thank you." Steve said.

I looked around the elevator feeling like something was wrong, I knew Steve felt it to. I looked to one of the men who just walked in noticing sweat on his forehead then I looked to the first two men to join us. My eyes trailed down to the man's hand which was around his gun.

The elevator stopped again and three fairly strong looking men stepped inside.

"Records." One of them said.

"Confirmed." The computer said again closing the doors and heading down.

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" Steve asked.

The man directly in front of us took out what sounded like a taser but looked a lot more painful and was a long metal rod. Without much warning he turned around lunging forwards for Steve. Steve quickly dogged, but a man grabbed Steve holding him back removing his Shield.
Before I could do anything a man grabbed me shoving my back against the glass. I watched as most of the men focused on Steve at they put on a magnetic cuff that was meant to attach to the wall. I watched Steve pull his arm away and kick the one of the men trying to stop him.
I turn back at the one that had me, I kicked him gently in the stomach causing him to stumble back before I punched him across the face knocking him out cold.
Any man that was either kicked or punched backwards by Steve but was still up, I dealt with. I turned to see Steve throw a man over his head but just then Brock kicked up Steve wrist with the cuff pinning him to the wall. Before he took out the taser as started to aim for Steve, even hitting him. I punch the another guy still standing, knocking him to the ground before I lunged for Brock. He jabs the taser to my stomach pressing me against the glass. I let out a scream as the sharp pain travels through my body. Brock smiles thinking he has won but before he could reach I landed a strong punch across his face slamming him to the ground. I watched as Steve pulls his hand and knocks out two guys who just got back up.

"Whoa, big guy." Brock said as he stood up holding two of the tasers. "I just want you to know, Cap, this isn't PERSONAL!" He yelled lunging forward.
Cap easily dodged him catching one of his arms as Brock stabbed the taser to Steve. I lean against the wall resting for a bit letting the two at each other.
Steve punches Brock across the face before throwing him to the ceiling.

"It kind of feels personal." Steve panted.

I looked down at all the unconscious men before I look back at Steve.

"You good?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, you?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He said walking over to the controls and resuming the elevator's movement.
The moment he pressed the button the doors opened and we were met with a hallway full of the S.T.R.I.K.E. Team.

"Drop the Shield and put your hands in the air!" One yelled.
I put my hands it the air knowing what Steve had in mind. Steve bent down as if to put his Shield down but quickly he spun to the side and sliced the cables with his Shield.
Instantly we quickly started dropping but soon the elevator slowed down coming to a stop between two floors. I moved to the door as Steve pried them open but shut them when more S.T.R.I.K.E. team came in the hall.
Steve ran to the side and saw the glass roof below.

"The one time I come to S.H.I.E.L.D." I mutter.

"Give it up, Rogers! Barnes! Get that door open!" One of the Agents yell. "You two have nowhere to go!"

"We'll be with you in a moment!" I yell just as I ran after Steve jumping through the window.

Steve held up his Shield as he crashed through the roof below. I fall quickly behind him as he slowly gets up. Secretary slowly myself down slightly as I hit the hard cold ground landing on my back. Quickly I push myself off the ground and run with Steve ignoring the crowd of people watching us.


We make it to the garages where Steve went straight to his bike. I hop on behind and wrap my arms around him as he speeds off making it out just in time as the giant doors shut behind us.

We ride down the bridge but right ahead of us spikes popped up from the road and a jet shot in front.

"Stand down, Captain Rogers. Agent Barnes. Stand down." The pilot ordered as a gun aimed at us. "Repeat, stand down." All Steve did was speed up.
The jet started shooting but Steve was able to avoid them.

"(Y/n)!" He called.
I lent back so he could grab his Shield and throw it at the jet hitting one of the wings.

"Ready!" Steve yelled as he squeezed the brakes causing us to be laughed forward on top of the jet.
I grabbed hold of something as Steve yanked his Shield out causing the jet to swerve to the side before studying itself. But that didn't last long as Steve knocked out both the engines and I jumped off landing a little behind Steve.

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