72 The Shield

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    "KARLI!" Sam yelled as we entered the Plaza. We looked up at her as she looked over the edge and went up the stairs.  "You called my Sister? That's how we're gonna play this?"

    "Sam, I would never hurt her. I wanted to understand you better." Karli claimed then looked over at Bucky and me. "I see you, um, didn't come alone."

    "You have to end this now." Sam told her.

    "I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I want to destroy. You're not hiding behind a Shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me." Karli told Sam. "Or do the world a favour and let me go."

    "It's Walker." Sam turned around and told us.
Bucky, I and Sam instantly jumped down but Karli jumped at us hitting Bucky in mid air causing him to crash into the wall.
Sam fought Karli as I helped Bucky up.

  "I'll send you two the location. Go!" Sam told us as we ran.

We jumped from the balcony onto the road running quickly.


We got into the building and started to run up the stairs when a man jumped up pushing Bucky into the wall.
I pulled the man off of Bucky and kicked him down the stairs. Bucky and I jumped down.
Bucky walked up to the man with was just getting up and kicked him through a wall.

    "Stay there." Bucky told him and we ran back up the stairs.

Bucky and I entered the room as Sam and John were fighting so of the Flag Smashers.
Bucky grabbed a knife that was flying straight for my head.
The guy jumped at Bucky as another came at me.
I dodge the man's attacks before I kick him in the stomach and punch him unconscious.
One guy wrapped his arms around me. My fingers wrap around my knife pulling it into my palm before I was able to stab the man in the leg causing him to let me go. I turn around and punch him across the face.

The room suddenly went silent I turn around to see Lemar motionless against a now cracked pillar. I look to Karli who was looking at what she had done.

    "Hey, hey. Lemar. Lemar." John walked over to his friend trying to get him to respond. "Lemar."

Karli and the others ran. Sam, Bucky and I followed.


We push through the crowd. My eyes fall to the body laying motionless underneath John. Blood stains the man clothes but what was most important was the shield. Steve's Shield, one side of it was covered in blood.


We walked after John when he ran finding him in a warehouse.
We find him on his knees, he gets up and walks over.

"Walker..." Sam spoke.

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good." Walker told us a he turned away from us.

"Stop, Walker." I tell him and he circles back to us.

"What? You saw what just happened. You know what I had to do." John raised his voice. "I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Lemar, John." Bucky told him calmly. "Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you." John spat.

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle. Okay?" I tell him.

"If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt." Sam said. "John... You gotta give me the Shield, man."

John looked up at us. "Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me."

"You made a mistake." Sam told him.

"You don't wanna do this." John snapped.

"Yeah, we do." Bucky told him.

We ran for John, John kicked Sam back and punched me hard across the face. I fall back as Bucky and John fight. I push myself up as John had knocked Bucky to the ground and was about to bring down the Shield. I pull his shoulders back and he swung for me with the Shield. I dodged and grabbed the Shield trying to rip it away from him but he slammed it forward and kicked me back just as Sam flew over kicking the Shield and hitting it with his wings.
Bucky got up bringing his metal arm down but was blocked by the Shield. John swung the Shield into the side of Bucky's face before hitting Sam.
Bucky got up and repeatedly punched the Shield. Before John started hitting back.
Sam got up but John kicked him down before swinging the Shield. It hit Bucky causing him to fly across the room and hit a forklift. I grab John's arm but he swung around elbowed me and kicked me in the stomach before running at Bucky. I cough laying on the cold concrete.

"WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS?" John yelled. I watched as he flung Bucky across the room.  He slammed into a metal support sparks shower down as he hit the support and crashed to the ground.

I run over and swing my foot under John cause him to fall forward. He quickly turned around throwing the Shield. It hit me in the stomach and I fall back as John grabs the Shield and Sam flew into him.

I get to my feet seeing Sam underneath John.

"I am Captain America!" John grunted and yelled as he ripped off Sam's wings. John lifted the Shield above his head.
I grabbed John pulling him off of Sam but I fell back.
He was on top of me I managed to knock the Shield out of his hands and slid into a support a couple feet away.
John picked up the Shield directly beside me, he lifted it above his head and brought it down.
Air left my lungs as I saw blood but felt nothing I looked into John's eyes and saw anger, shock and fear for realizing what he had just done.

"NO!" I hear Bucky yell running into John and a weight was lifted off of me.
Bucky repeatedly punched John in the face. He just saw John bring the Shield down on me and my fresh blood coat the side of the Shield, he wanted to kill John.

John flew across the room and slammed into the wall leaving the grip of Bucky and Sam. Sam fell back as he stared as the Shield in his hands as it disappeared and then all eyes fell on me. I was leaning against the support holding Steve's Shield. I bring John closer and press him into the cold hard concrete. He yelled in pain as I walked over.
I stood above him and the screaming stopped. I stepped on his arm and he yelled.

"It's mine." John panted when I removed my foot.

"It's not." I knelt down to him.

"It's mine." He grunted as I released him and he pushed himself up.
He swung for me but I blocked it with the Shield and then punched him hard across the face before hitting him back with the Shield.

"It's not. It never was, and it never will be." I tell him before Bucky grabbed him, punching John and lifted him up as Sam ran into John and everyone fell.

I fall to my knees holding my stomach catching my breath. I drop the Shield beside me. Bucky pushes himself up and hurried over to me.

"I'm all right. I'm all right." I tell him and he pulls me into a hug.

"How?" Bucky wondered looking at my stomach seeing no blood.

"I don't know. I didn't know I could, but I wanted to see what he would do and he was scared of himself when he realized what he'd done." I explained as Bucky helps me up and picks up the Shield.

"Don't even do that again." Bucky told me.

I look over at John and we walk over to Sam Bucky dropped the Shield beside him before we left.

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